Thursday, February 18, 2021

My "Lent" Challenge. Maybe someone will join me!

Hi all. I'm more of a lurker on this sub than talker, but find it highly inspiring. I have struggled for the past 2 years with some severe PTSD/depression and it has led to some physical issues and poor health along with more weight gain than I'd like to admit to. I was battling a bit of extra weight at that time, and began hating how I look and feel. My health is at an almost all-time low right now but I've started getting into a better place, and want to start making some good changes.

I recently realized that my BMI is just into the officially "obese" range (BMI of 32). And this really bothers me. I've never been this heavy. I think about all of the weight I ultimately want to lose, and it seems so daunting. I know it's not as much as some people, but I'm a very short 5'1 female and for me the around 45-55lbs is a good bit. So, decided to go with the 'small goals' method.

I decided that Lent started on Wednsday, and I'm going to challenge myself to "give up" as much bad food as I can for the duration. I made a big food list of healthy things, based off of an elimination-style diet, that I can choose from every day to make my meals. I'm also going to try to walk, even a short distance, daily. (My knees hurt very badly right now with the extra weight especially; I have an anatomical problem with my knees that has led to arthritis. Plus, it's quite cold where I live right now but I figure, put on a coat and 15 or 20 minutes won't kill me). I know that the more weight I get off of my knees, the easier activity will be for me and it will help the pain.

My goal is to officially get myself out of the "obese" BMI category. I technically need to lose around 15lbs to do that. Since it's been so hard for me to lose weight this feels like a big amount, even though I know in the long run it's not unattainable. (My ultimate goal is to lose around 40-50lbs and have a clean, healthy diet.)

If anyone wants to use this 40 days and 40 nights to jumpstart some weight loss, clean up your diet, or make some other healthy change, I'd be happy for you to join me in this endeavor. 40 days isn't super-long as far as time, but it's long enough to break bad habits and form new good ones!!!! We can use this thread to touch base and keep updates going. I will post an Edit with my final result on April 3 as well.

Thanks for reading and any advice or tips you have I'd love to hear them!!!

submitted by /u/RoxKijo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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