Sunday, March 7, 2021

Almost to my weight loss goal!

28 M, 6'0", SW: 265 CW: 173 GW: 160-165



Hi everyone! First time making a post here, but I've been lurking for quite some time. Around the early part of 2018 I got out of a long relationship and was at my heaviest weight of 265.

I committed to losing weight that summer and was able to lose about 70 pounds doing IF 16:8 ~1500-1800 calories a day and getting into the gym 5 days a week doing cardio on an elliptical and lifting weights for about a half hour. I hadn't really had much experience in a gym so for my lifting I would alternate between upper body/ lower body and do 4 sets of 8 on 5 different machines/ exercises.

After the summer I went back to school and stopped working out and watching what I ate and subsequently gained back 10-15 pounds. The next summer came and I once again committed to getting back into the gym and losing some more weight. Although I did manage to lose the weight I gained, my eating habits were all over the place and I stayed around 195-200 pounds.

Fast forward to March 2020 and COVID hits. I move back in with my parents to save some money and pick up running because gyms are all closed and I have unlimited free time essentially. I ran my first 10k in July and then my first half-marathon in September!! This time around I'm not doing any lifting though. At this point I'm steadily losing weight from running and IF 16:8 and managed to get down to around 170 pounds. Then about a month after my half-marathon I pulled a muscle and was off for a few months, subsequently gaining back 15 pounds.

I picked up running again in December, and now am at the point where I'm lifting 5 days a week and running 25 miles a week. I still would like to lose some more weight, and get somewhere between 160-165. Once I get there I can switch my focus to lifting more, eating in a surplus, and putting on some muscle!

The biggest thing I've learned throughout all of this is that weight loss is not always a linear progression. There are lots of bumps in the road, but the most important thing is that you pick yourself up and get back on the wagon! My quality of life has improved so much. I can do everyday activities without getting tired! Also, at least for me, obsessing over calories has never worked. I never know exactly how many I'm consuming, but I have a good estimate in my head. It just made things easier that way!

submitted by /u/lockkfryer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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