Monday, March 1, 2021

Are these MY legs?!

I'm writing this in my car, still INCREDIBLY excited so please excuse any errors.

So, I've started my weight loss on January 4th this year, the usual CICO and IF. My starting weight was 89,9kg (198lbs), my current weight as of today is 84,3kg (~186lbs), so yeah, my weight loss is not tremendous but it's honest work!

Today I went as an advisor to help my dad pick his new "formal" shoes. It was my first time in a long while wearing jeans instead of rocking the usual sweatpants-t-shirt duo.

You know they have these big, wall-length mirrors at shoe shops, right? So, I was wandering around the store, waiting for my dad try on another pair and something suddenly caught my eye. I took a few steps back, looked in the mirror cricitally, and... Oh my God, are these my legs??? Are these MY calves????? Calves that so not meet in the middle??? That don't look so friggin swollen?? No, are you serious? Is this not a prank or one of those reality-bending mirrors? Am I dreaming??

My legs, especially my calves, have always been one of my biggest insecurities. I'm short (1,64m), so my weight is distributed everywhere on my body, especially on my (short :c) legs. My calves have always been really big and "meaty, " for a lack of better word. I always felt ashamed of them, and I avoided wearing dresses and shorts (or even knee length or calf length pants) because I thought they looked awful. Even my family always commented on that.

The change is not big. It's not like I suddenly have supermodel legs or something. They're just a little slimmer. But the change IS there, and I can SEE it. I'm teary eyes right now, gosh, I'm so happy. I've had troubles seeing any real change with my weight loss despite other people complimenting me on that (and despite me documenting my weight loss in pictures), and it kinda hinged on my motivation. But now, seeing my ugly calves just a little less ugly... I'm all over the moon. Truly.

I wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for one post from this subreddit urging me to be one of the people sharing and celebrating their weight loss results by the end of March. Thank you r/loseit, I know there's still a long way to go for me, but this time I'm not giving up!!

And you, the person reading this, whatever the difficulties, you also should not give up. On anything. Let's keep going together!

submitted by /u/blue92riv
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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