Monday, March 1, 2021

February’s diet is March’s body – share your progress!

I posted last month about seeing the results of how we’ve treated our bodies during the previous month. Progress shows up gradually – and on a bit of a delay - so we need to remember to look for it!

Weighing myself every day drives me a little crazy so I’m checking in monthly. I lost 16 pounds in February and I’m almost at the exact halfway point of my weight loss journey. I’ve now lost 9 pounds in total. I’m aiming to lose 181 overall so I’m almost halfway there.

On New Year’s Eve I thought about how far I had to go. I gave myself a deadline of three years to get to my goal weight so I’d be finished by the time I’m 33. That’s how old Jesus was when he died. I plan to be as cut as Jesus is in all his sculptures by the time I turn 33. I’m calling my journey ‘The Body of Christ’.

I’ve been planking, squatting and lifting five nights a week. I have a Youtube playlist of music and instructor-led videos that I’ve been adding to as the weeks have gone by. I’ve been doing a little more every day and stepping it up again at the beginning of the next week.

I cannot believe how much my body’s changing! My wrists are getting skinnier. I can feel that I’ve lost back fat which is just lovely. I’m back in some old smaller clothes and I fit back in my old sports bra (which was a personal goal) so I can start running again. My face is so different than it was 90 pounds ago.

I had a bit of a wobble in the middle of February. I hurt my knees and I missed a few workouts. It really dragged me down mentally but I kept remembering something I read on Tumblr years ago.

“I already know what happens when I give up. I want to see what happens when I don’t.”

I managed to eat within my calories every day even when I was off my mental game. My motivation has returned and I am excited to head into a new month. With workouts I’m going to start doing four strength days and two cardio days during the week with a rest on Saturday.

Really looking forward to the start of next month to see the payoff from the work I’m going to put in throughout March. Yet another Tumblr saying about weight loss I remember reading is -

It takes four weeks for you to see the difference in your body

Eight weeks for your friends and family to see

And 12 weeks for the world to see

For others like me that started (again) at New Year, the end of March marks that 12-week point. Next month we’re going to see such satisfying results even people that don’t know us will be able to see that we’re walking on air. No matter where you are in your journey I hope you take time to celebrate your progress so far and look forward to results yet to come. There’s something quite powerful about visualising your goals. Picture yourself at your best then work on making it a reality. We can all do this.

Well done with your hard work this month! I really want to hear how everyone did. Remember that self-discipline is the highest form of self-love. We’re doing this because we love our bodies, not because we hate them.

submitted by /u/IlexAquafolium
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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