Sunday, March 7, 2021

Disbelief in weight loss, am I crazy or is it possible??

Hi! I just joined the community because I'm on a weight loss journey and honestly the internet isn't always helpful in answering my questions and I feel like having a supportive community will really help in my weight loss.

I'm a 5'3" female and weighed in at 237 on February 15th. Today, I weighed myself and I was 196. This morning I helped my ex pack up a truck and leave our apartment, the relationship was stressful and we definitely didn't live a healthy lifestyle. I picked up running and I've been eating 1200 calories a day for about 2 weeks and trying to exercise every day as well. Between the 25th of February (223.8lbs, also on period so that definitely added weight) and today (196.8lbs) I've lost almost 30 this possible? Is it maybe stress weight that I've lost? I usually sit at 185, im trying to get to 150, is my body trying to normalize back to 185? I don't believe myself that im losing weight, but I know I am because my clothes are fitting much better.

Can someone help explain this?

submitted by /u/PrettySax3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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