Wednesday, March 24, 2021

How do I fight against short term rewards for long term successes?

I just recently came to the realization that the reason why I screw myself over with weight loss/fitness goals (among other things in life) is that I am focused too much on short term rewards instead of my long term goals. While I feel that I kind of always knew this in the back of my head, I hadn’t really put it into words until today. For example, I can’t stick to my meal plan that I’ve laid out sometimes because I don’t feel like cooking or I want to play a bit more of a game, and I’ll end up eating a bunch of random snacks instead. Sometimes I’ll watch youtube or netflix late into the night, and I end up being way too tired to get up early enough for the morning walk I’d planned to take. I’ll give in to myself when I’m at the store and buy the junk food that I know I shouldn’t get.

I was a swimmer all of my life through the end of high school. I was in great shape, could eat whatever I wanted, and always had a coach telling me what to do. I had someone to hold me accountable. But ever since then, I’ve struggled to hold myself accountable and focus on long term rewards over the short term. I never had to worry about what I ate until I went to college, and since my swimming days I’ve gained 30 lbs. Granted, I know I won’t get back to that kind of shape unless I workout 3-4 hours a day like I did back then, but I know that I can definitely stand to lose a bit of weight.

I guess my question is, how do you stay focused on your long term goals instead of taking the easy road and sabotaging yourself for short term gain? How do you hold yourself accountable and “be your own coach”? I’m struggling with these things at the moment, so any advice is welcome.

submitted by /u/krystal_dagger
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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