Monday, March 15, 2021

Just hit my first goal !! Here’s what I did :)

Hi there!! I’m excited to say that after getting on the scale today, after four weeks of hard work, I hit my first goal and I’ve lost over 10 pounds!! There’s no noticeable differences in my body yet, other than some muscle gain, but I’m happy that I’m on the right track.

I thought I’d share what exactly I did. This is coming from a complete beginner, so take everything I say with a grain of salt!!

Exercise!! I exercise usually 6 times a week. However, if I’m not feeling well or I’m busy then I’ll skip a day! I actually skipped 3 days this past week!! (Don’t be afraid to skip a day if you’re really not feeling it.)

Here’s my routine! I walk about 1.5 miles. After my walk I usually take a quick break and have some water. Then I do about 45 minutes of exercise videos!! Almost all of the videos I watch are free on YouTube from the creator Koboko Fitness. She is super beginner friendly, and I’m certain you’ll be able to find some videos that work well for you on her channel. Her videos are great because you get a small break in between each exercise and a 60 second break in the middle of the video. I highly recommend her to anyone who is just starting out.

Food!! Food was the hardest part for me in all of this. I love food. And I love junk food. It was hard to cut it out, but I managed to do it. I pretty much did it cold turkey. I went one night eating fast food for dinner to the next night eating healthier. Now, I wouldn’t say that everything I eat is super, super healthy. But it’s better than fast food. I typically eat one snack of fruit after my workout, and then one meal for dinner. I honestly wouldn’t recommend this, because I’m probably not consuming as many calories as I should. If you do want to do this, please make sure you’re eating enough!! Food is just a difficult thing for me, so I’ve found this works best. As for the food I eat... I typically go for easy stuff I can cook at home like sandwiches with some fruit. But if I’m doing take out, I’ll make sure to grab something a bit healthier off the menu. I also try to make sure I’m not doing take out multiple nights in a row. And, I also eat some frozen healthier meals. You can get low calorie frozen chicken nuggets that taste great!! I also don’t track my calories through an app. When I started doing that I realized it was messing with my head and hurting my mental health. If you’re someone who tracking calories works well for, great! But it’s not for me. I just keep a mental note in my head of how many I’ve eaten and what all I’ve eaten that day.

Another note regarding food. Please remember that it is totally okay to indulge in your favorite food sometimes!! For me, I let myself eat whatever I want on special occasions while still eating moderately. Literally, yesterday, I had fast food and a small thing of ice cream for dinner, since it was a special occasion. And I still managed to meet my goal on my weigh in day!!

And my last note. If you’re wanting to lose weight, do it for yourself, not for anyone else. If you feel happy in your body already, then rock it!! Plus sized people who are comfortable in their bodies are genuinely so beautiful, and just radiate confidence!! Also remember that weight loss doesn’t have to be what helps you find self love. Mental health plays a big part in learning to love your body. Just remember, no matter what size you are, you are gorgeous! But if you want to lose a bit of weight for yourself, go for it!! I believe in you :)

If you read this far, thanks!! I hope you have a lovely day!! Eat something and stay hydrated :)

submitted by /u/sweetberri3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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