Monday, March 15, 2021

SV/NV: 35 lbs down in 4 months and recognizing what makes me feel bad.

This is the first time I have ever achieved steady weight loss, and the first time I have been below 190 since college. In previous attempts, I hit a plateau around 193 and just gave up. This time I came equipped with new knowledge about micronutrients and maintenance breaks, and now I'm at 187 with no signs of stopping. I had some consecutive days of relapse, but got back on the horse immediately. The best feeling is realizing that by late June (and my birthday) I will be in a normal BMI range, and I'll get to show off this bod at the onset of the summer, preliminary in-person gatherings, and I'll get to feel extra mobile in the months when outdoor activity'ing is at its peak.

I've already written about the tactics I'm using but tl;dr CICO and light, enjoyable exercise. I think I've finally created a neural pathway that is strong enough to remind me that certain foods, and an excess of food, make me feel bad. I used to be able to forget *how* bad it made me feel, but, now, when faced with the decision of throwing back a pint of ice cream– I just don't. Not because of the scale but because I feel so much better (no bloat, no lethargy, no acne, no emotional dip) *not* doing that.

Less obvious items that I've recently discovered that help me fit my nutrient goals at low cals:Seaweed snacks,

canned smoked oysters,

cottage cheese with dill, red onion, and balsamic reduction

stovetop popcorn (ok, not super nutritious but throw some salt and nutritional yeast on those bbs and it's so good and so low impact)

huge ass heaping piles of spinach and arugula with goat cheese melted in

I plan on aiming for -10 lbs per month. Let's gooooooo.

submitted by /u/TheWarOn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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