Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Today, I am exactly one year into my weight loss and exactly halfway to my goal! 30kgs down, 30 to go.

MFP & Libra

I can't tell you how thrilled I was this morning to hop on the scale and see 82.2kgs. On March 23rd, 2020, I weighed 112.2kg. I realised that I'd regained almost all of the weight I lost 2 years previously and decided that enough was enough. I had left my job at the start of March (terrible timing as it turns out!) and for the first time in what felt like forever, I had the time and, more importantly, the desire and energy to take care of myself.

I started with CICO. I'd done it before, had good (albeit temporary) success, and knew that I could make it work again. I love counting calories, because it makes it so easy for me to reduce everything to data. I find it much easier to stick to my plans when I can remove the emotional element- this is also why I weigh daily and take an average. When weighing once a week, if I happened to have eaten heavier food, or something particularly salty the day before weigh-in, it could hide my progress for the week and leave me feeling really deflated. Daily weigh-ins take care of that, and genuinely have helped me see my weight as just another data point I can use to help me progress.

For the first 9 months, I didn't cut anything out. If I wanted chocolate I had some. I had takeout and drank alcohol almost every weekend, and I still lost. I decided in January this year to quit drinking, and I'm really pleased that I did that, but I didn't feel like I had to cut anything from my diet. it hasn't massively changed the rate of my loss, as I've replaced my alcohol calories with more food, but I must say that my weight fluctuates significantly less.

Moderation rather than elimination was what really helped me stick to it, 300 calories of ice cream for lunch is still 300 calories of lunch. But it does take discipline. At my height, I don't have a massive amount of wiggle room in my budget, so I do count carefully and try to balance out the more calorie-dense foods with lighter, more volumised meals to keep me on track.

I do exercise sporadically, but I don't really have a routine. I love walking, and now that the weather is improving where I live I'm able to start getting out for longer walks again which is amazing. As for indoor workouts, I have tried lifting weights, but I really don't enjoy it so I'm having difficulty making it a habit. I do however have a VR headset, and absolutely love Beatsaber and FitXR to get me moving without really feeling like I'm actively exercising. Great fun if you have access to them.

There's not much else to say, I was just so thrilled this morning and really wanted to share with people who would get it. I don't like to talk about my weight loss in person because I feel like it's just such a loaded topic for so many people, and I don't want the possible negativity to yuck my yum. But I feel like it's safe to say here- I'm so proud of myself!

Thank you all for being excellent.

submitted by /u/The_Ronica
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3lFQdys

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