Monday, March 15, 2021

Weekly Update -1 [29M/6'0/240 to 180]

Hello everyone,

I want to give a weekly update to share my wins/losses, track my progress and feel accountable.

First things first, I've lost 4.5lbs this week!

In my original post, I've written that I've started a journey from 240lbs to 180lbs; however I've looked at the scale and found that I am actually 245 lbs. So, every update is from that figure.

Weight Loss Graph

What am I doing?:

- I am adhering to a strict 1500 calorie diet with macros of 40% Protein / 30% Carbs / 30% Fats. I've followed my nutrition plan with 0.9% more calories than I've planned for, which is a huge succcess for me. (1514 daily average vs 1500 planned)

- I am walking 40 minutes at 3.5mph speed for 6 days of week and I've walked +2.1% than I've planned. (245 minutes vs 240 minutes planned).

How was my first week and challenges I've faced:

It felt unexpectedly easy for me to limit my intake at 1500 cal as I've also increased my fibers and improved my carb quality by migrating to beans/greens. I am walking nearly every day and I was sure that I was going to give up after 2 days but after feeling the "runner's high" and rush of endorphins, I am happily waiting the next day to walk more. Overall, I am feeling more energetic and both physically and mentally better. Even my productivity at work has increased!

I've had only one strong craving which was last night and it was for some dessert. However, I've faced that challenge head on and managed to fit an ice cream there. Was it necessary? Physically? No. Mentally? Hell yeah!

Plans for next week:

I am planning to incorporate 3-days a week strength training to my workout routine, so that all the protein I am eating doesn't go to waste and my future excess skin can find a place to go. However, I will also increase my calorie limit to 1600 on those days.

Hope I can continue on my way without stray and hope this post inspires another fatty to lose weight and reclaim the control of their life!

Thanks guys for everything!

My starting point:

submitted by /u/raddka
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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