Saturday, July 24, 2021

Can someone help me please (long)

I’m a 5”9” 20-year-old woman. My starting weight was 282lbs, my current weight is 256lbs and my goal is 200lbs.

I started in mid-March 2021. so far I’ve lost 26lbs in 4 months and 2 weeks. In the beginning, I lost 10lbs in 2 weeks. I ate 1200 cals not knowing it was bad. So actually I lost 16lbs in 4 months, which was very hard for me.

I’ve been big my whole life and when I was 14 I was 217lbs, I decided to lose weight before middle school graduation. I lost 17lbs from April to the end of June ( lol I don’t even remember how). Then over the summer, I started at 200lbs and the first day of high school in early September I was 169lbs, so I lost 31lbs, 15.5lbs a month, ( again I don’t remember how the hell I did this)

so what I’m getting at is this isn’t my first weight loss journey and I know I can do it. I got down to 162lbs, but life happens and I was hit with this severe depression which made me gain a lot of weight. When I finally got the help I needed I weighed 240lbs at 16 years old.

So, In April 2021 ( after I found out 1200cals is for a toddler) I started eating 1500cals a day. I found this number by going on the TDEE calculator (272lbs at the time, cardio 2-3 times a week ) it said to lose 1lb a week I should be eating at 2344cals a day, well my dumbass thought that was too high so I went for 1500.

I’ve had some cheat days, like today the only thing I ate was Taco Bell, some chocolate covered almonds and a couple of lemon poppyseed cookies. I only do cardio, I have been since the start, walking for 1-2 hours or 30min cardio YouTube vids about 2-3 times a week. I haven’t worked out in 4 weeks due to having a very painful pilonidal cyst on my buttcrack and discouragement.

Today I went on the TDEE calculator again and at 256lbs and cardio 4-5 times a week it said I should be eating 2424cals a day to lose 1lb a week.

My question is the smaller I get or if I hit a Plateau will I have to eat less than 1500? That doesn’t seem healthy. If I up my cals to 2424cals from 1500cals will I gain weight back? I felt so discouraged his whole months and I feel like if I up my cals and gain weight imma have a mental breakdown.

Sorry if this is Confusing, At this point I will take any advice that will help because I am so confused.

submitted by /u/International-Put741
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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