Friday, July 9, 2021

Fit, tall new co-worker asking for my number and other things I can’t wrap my head around (yet)

I’ve lost 55lbs since the beginning of the year. This week earlier my tall and fit as in skinny new co-worker (22M) asked for my number (24F) and if I felt like grabbing some drinks with him. If I tell you I was in complete shock, I mean it. Those things have not been happening to me for the last past 5 years. I’m really insecure about my body still, I’m still somewhat too much of thick imo, still too much hips and stomach and all. However, he’s seen my body at work and I’m still so confused about people thinking I might be.. attractive? It must be noted that he’s brand new so he’s never gotten to know the old me unlike my other colleagues. I can’t help but wonder if that situation would’ve played out like this too half a year ago. Would he have asked me out too?

I know those thoughts are stupid but I have doctors of mine not recognising me anymore and people constantly pointing out just “how much” I’ve lost. It’s not that much compared to other people here obv but I suppose for ppl outside of the weight loss community, it must seem like a lot. But I’m still so stuck in the old me. And it’s like I’m being haunted by who I was appearance-wise just 6 months ago.

Anyways.. I’m not even sure what to say, I’m just not used to this and feel like an imposter. I wonder if anyone can relate. Just needed to get this out somewhere.

submitted by /u/turnsoutimawhinybish
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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