Friday, July 9, 2021

Shorts are the universe's gift to skinny people (+ my other favorite NSVs from 50lbs down!)

Female, 31 years. Started at 187-189lbs, now 137lbs. 14 months total, lots of fitness achieved, too. Original goal was 125lbs, but I may revisit that as I am pretty skinny (and STRONG!) now; muscle really does weight more.

I feel like these all just sound like I am massively bragging. I am! But hopefully not in an asshole-y way because I certainly don't mean it that way. I am so thankful to this community for the knowledge and inspiration that I found here and I hope my excitement and gratitude towards my body and all of the things I've experienced with so much weight loss can help somebody else here join me, too.

Wearing Shorts: So I have always worn shorts, even as a very overweight person, but I would not wear them when I was walking around or running, etc. Too much chafing, too much pulling the fabric down, way too uncomfortable. I've recently realized that this is no longer a problem for me. I don't remember the last time I wore shorts for walking or running or hiking or exploring without chafing and all I can say is that it's the actual best thing ever. I get hot when I work out; now I can just WEAR SHORTS. They are a comfortable, easy, fun, wonderful thing to wear. They let my legs breath. I am cooler. All this WITHOUT CHAFING. It's a dream. I ran a half marathon in shorts! I hiked 60 miles on a backpacking trip in shorts!!! I can walk around town in cute shorts and just be cooler and not feel too hot. It's AMAZING.

I bought Nike Pro shorts: I always felt like those spandex short shorts were for skinny people and I certainly never had the guts to wear them (for the record, I don't think you need to be skinny to wear them; every body can wear every thing it wants to. I just... didn't want to). Well I recently bought two pairs. I look damn sexy in them, too! I feel confident and awesome and they're the most comfortable workout bottoms I've ever owned. It's the best NSV to own and wear something you've always wanted to have work out for you! Woo!!! I mean, they're spandex booty shorts?!?!!?!!! And it's ME wearing them!? Omg. haha.

I can RUN and it's the best: Making my weight loss journey also a fitness journey was the best decision ever. It's taken many months of consistency, but I LOVE running now. I've run two half marathons and am working my way towards a marathon and some other fun running projects. I love the way that running makes me feel, how it calms me, the thinking I get done on runs, where I get to see and run. I love the way I feel afterwards. I love feeling strong. I love just going and going. The list goes on and on. I could not run at 187lbs. I can now. It's not just the weight loss: It's everything. It's the best.

All clothes look better on me now: I'm actually drowning in clothes I used to wear when I last was at this same weight: My fitness has meant that I am smaller than I ever was last time I was 137lbs. In fact, my goal is/was 125lbs, but I'm not sure that's reasonable anymore (but that's a discussion for another post or day; I'll get wherever I get on weight while prioritizing fitness). I'm literally tiny. Get this: I just bought new pants at Madewell and they are.... the SMALLEST SIZE FOR SALE. And they fit me. Perfectly. They look and feel like they were made for me. I went from a pants size 32 to a 23. I mean, the numbers vary so much brand to brand and item to item, but STILL. It has been a trip ordering clothes online: SO MANY RETURNS on things for being too large on me. It's been so strange putting on old clothes I used to wear last time I was small and just seeing them stretched out and hanging off of me. I am fit and strong and SKINNY AF and it's the best feeling ever to look cute in everything. I love clothes and fashion and it's very fun to feel like I can pull anything off.

I can hike uphill with a heavy pack: I am SUCH a better backpacker now! Holy guacamole! I can charge up a mountain, even with a heavy pack. When I was overweight, I still backpacked and hiked a lot, but I was always stopping to catch my breath or dreading the uphills. Now the mountains are fun challenges (truly FUN), and I don't really need to stop. It made a recent hike/backpacking trip so much fun. I could just focus on the things I was seeing, the places we were going, and my recovery time after each hike was basically nothing. I felt like superwoman!!

Exercise is fun: Maybe this is a little redundant to the other things, but damn, working out is so much fun! Being fit means it's all a fun challenge instead of feeling like I am going to DIE. I can remember last June when I started this journey just walking instead of running (no shame in walking!!!) because I could not even run a block without being super winded, forget running a mile. I dreaded exercising again as a fatter person until I started swimming and then that helped me build up the fitness to enjoy working out again. And it's just so much fun. I do more fitness throughout a regular day, too, just because it's easier and more fun to move. I love moving my body now! It makes me feel fantastic. :)

I am willing to spend more money on clothes: I used to hate buying clothes because I didn't want to waste money on clothes that I would "no longer fit in when I was skinny" again. Now I feel good about myself again and want to invest in clothes that fit me right and make me feel good about my body. It's a win win and I'm excited to rock my new garments, all very carefully chosen.

Okay, I think that's it for now! Losing the weight has been such a burden off of my shoulders, so to speak. I feel younger, faster, fitter, happier, cuter, and better. My life was good before and I felt pretty cute if quite overweight and slow and stuffed into clothes often, but I feel so much happier and more like myself these days. It's felt like losing weight was a big project I needed to work on for a long time and now it feels like a project I already tackled and like fitness and health are things that I just work into my regular life now. I am so grateful to my past self for making the changes and I hope I continue them for decades to come. :)

submitted by /u/beachgirl_weightloss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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