Sunday, July 11, 2021

Hit my weight loss goal and you can do it too!

This will probably get buried but I just wanted to share my experience of my weight loss journey that is currently shifting from the actively dieting and losing weight phase to more of a maintaining healthy lifestyle phase.

I have been obese for the majority of my life. I've always been told I wasn't that big but I definitely felt it. I've always gravitated towards sports so I was always the biggest guy in my group of friends (not that that's how they refer to me but it was definitely true).

While I played sports, as most or all of you are aware it takes a lot more than just exercise to keep a reasonable weight. I've always eaten like absolute crap. When I was really young I often stayed with my grandmother and she was definitely a poor influence on my eating. I'm talking at like 7 years old getting a big bowl of sugary cereal, eggs, bacon, and like a pastry for breakfast. Whatever I wanted I pretty much got, and if I didn't ask for it but it was put in front of me, well, I ate it. I was very much told from a young age, like most of us were, that you had better finish what's on your plate and to be grateful for how good I had it. Anyways, pretty much between my grandma, mom, and stepdad, had exactly 0 good influences on healthy eating habits.

Well, this year I decided to change my life. Some of the reasons are more personal than others, let's just say that I felt that if I didn't do it right here and now that it was never going to get done, and if it doesn't get done then I'm going to regret it for the rest of my life. When I started my weight loss journey back in March I weighed 237 pounds.

The changes to my diet were pretty strict at first, but to be honest I found it easier to make it even more strict as I went along. My main plan of action for losing weight in terms of dieting was to stop eating/drinking excessive sugars, cut down on carbs overall, and just in general eat less. Before I started dieting I was eating literally whatever the fuck I wanted. Desserts, fast food, sugary drinks, you name it I was throwing it down. Now my diet consists generally of sone fruit for breakfast. For lunch I'll generally have some air fried veggies with protein. (Seriously people if you cut up a tomato and a bell pepper, toss it in oil, salt, and pepper, and throw that in the air fryer it is a super delicious and pretty good for you meal. I generally set the air fryer for 400 and 15 minutes, then throw the tomatoes in at 13 minutes left, the peppers in at like 10 minutes left, and then for the protein my go to is some leftover pork shoulder and I throw that in with like 5 minutes left to get nice and crispy). Then for dinner I usually haven't been very hungry so I'll just have a salad.

I think a large part that some people overlook and which I think has been hugely successful for me is getting out of the damn house. I've really been getting into playing disc golf lately, which is awesome for getting me out of the house during the morning and afternoon (I WFH in the evenings). Beyond the fact that disc golf is a decent exercise, it gets me out of the house for several hours at a time where not only am I burning calories, but I'm very much not sitting on my computer being tempted to go check what's in the kitchen.

Anyways, through a lot of hard work and focus, I've just last week gotten down to my long term weight goal of 175. It happened so much faster than I ever dreamed of it happening. It's probably faster than one should lose weight but Im definitely not starving myself either. As I started to lose more weight I just really haven't had a desire to eat much, and I really don't even want to go back to eating the foods I was eating before. Like absolutely 0 desire for snacks. I guess I'm lucky in that way? Idk I really think that once I saw those first few pounds quickly fly off the scale I got really motivated.

So I guess I've rambled on long enough to get to the point of the post. This is so much more of a mental exercise than I expected. I'm going to be different that everyone, but what really worked for me was just finding little motivations for keeping the diet going. For me personally, I really made a game out of seeing the number on the scale go down everyday. There were some days where the number went up, and those days hurt, but they were at best 10% of the time. Also, getting into disc golf and wanting to be better at it has helped, as being in shape definitely allows me to be better at the sport. And also, id be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the compliments I get from people lately, particularly people who I haven't seen for a while, and especially people who I haven't seen since before covid.

So in closing, I just want to say that if you don't think you can do it, yes you fucking can. It doesn't need to be anywhere near as fast as I did it, but if I can lose 65 pounds in 4 months, you can absolutely at the very least get started today. It isn't going to be the easiest thing you've ever done, and frankly will probably be among the hardest. It's fucking worth it. This isn't to say that losing weight is going to fix all the problems in your life, because it hasn't for me. But at the very least getting into a more healthy lifestyle has made me want to be better in other areas of my life. I've still got a long way to go in terms of keeping the weight off and keeping these healthy lifestyle changes, but I've never been more motivated to do so.

submitted by /u/callahandler92
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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