Sunday, July 11, 2021

This took a year and several months to achieve. Binge eating on the left, controlled eating on the right. Left is 465 @ 47% bf on the right 315 @ 17% bf. Stay up kings! Any questions will be answered in comments!

I’ve always been the big guy and tbh it’s was cause my whole life was me being overweight. When I was 12 I was around 200lbs and by the time I reached high school I was a staggering 350lbs. Living life at that weight a young teen was very hard emotionally, physically, and mentally. My freshmen year I joined the football team, it was safe to say I was the biggest kid on the football team, but also the biggest kid in the whole school. You see what got me to this weight was a very dysfunctional home life along with coddling from my mother and grandmother in the form of eating to make me feel better. My sister was very overweight I’m talking obese upwards of almost 380 at her heaviest. Now my father always did everything for her, and of course she received weight loss surgery. Looking back I’m happy I never was offered the opportunity, but during the time of all this happening.. yeah I was a bit salty about it. It wasn’t till my jr year of high school where I wanted to make a change, and that really all came from wanting to fit in, and have friends. You see back in 2010 I don’t think people were as accepting of someone who is extremely overweight as they are now. So with that being said it’s a combination of not being accepted, the dysfunction home life, using food as a coping mechanism, and having multiple health issues like high blood pressure an enlarged heart and high visceral fat. All those things mentioned is what fueled my first weight loss journey. So in the course of 6 months of dieting, playing football, staying after weighting training to do cardio. I ended up losing 100lbs and continued to lose till I was around 240lbs or so. Now you can imagine by sr year I was at my peak in fat loss, muscle gain, and confidence! I was offered by my father at the end of 2011 to get skin removal surgery! I was so happy and so excited! Went through with the surgery and was in my long road to recovery! I did some bodybuilding after that in my late teens to early 20s and was loving life I had a couple of relationships, I was working for a gym I was like man I’m going places! Well somewhere in my early to mid 20s I had a huge breakdown my grandmother passed away, I had some health scares, my gf left me, I was doing things I shouldn’t have been doing. And I just spiraled out of control. During that time from 21 to 25 I ended up gaining 230lbs of just pure bf at 465 my bf was an insane 47%. I was just back to my old ways of coping and eating food to suppress my emotions. In one sitting I could consume 3 large pizzas, 2 pints of Ben and Jerry’s 2 bottles of rootbeer and 2 of those 5 dollar boxes from Carl’s Jr. back when they had them still. I developed an eating disorder (which I think was dormant within me and I awoken it in the process of the lifestyle I was living) where I would binge eat at night and fall asleep soon after. I’d sleep till 6pm go out for a bit come home play video games and spend on average about 40 to 50 dollars a night in fast food. In 2018 I had the biggest scare of my life. I had a heart attack at 25 years old it was mind boggling... I was blown away. Years of bad food, smoking, drinking 4 2ltr bottles of root beer a day. It was awful

To be clear: I have a condition called hypergonadism basically means I have super high test lvls since I was a teen. My test lvls in high school where around 1127 which is why I mentioned on another thread that I have heart issues enlarged heart, high bp and pvcs.

In high school I was supposed to be on t blockers and my mom was all for it. However the doctor said at his age it’s safer to take care of the heart issues first because his test lvls should lower as he got older. So I was put on bp medication and my heart was doing better.

Now my test lvl sits around 950 I have “good genetics” if that’s what you want to call it, but having high test like this is not safe nor is it fun. Sure I can gain muscle like super fast, but the health problems that come with it are not worth the muscle gain.

progress update:

submitted by /u/SuitableBullfrog7594
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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