Monday, July 12, 2021

I've been plateau'd for like two months now. I think I know why, but going back to what I was doing before feels impossible

Hello all!

5'2 19F SW: 72kg CW: bouncing between 61kg-60.2kg GW: 55kg

I suppose this is maybe more of a rant. I'm feeling incredibly frustrated with myself but I think I know what's been going on with my body, I guess I'm just trying to get it all out.

So, since the end of January I've been making steady progress at 1270kcals and losing around a pound (0.5kg) a week. I lost 11kg doing this, no problem.

However, my country has started to open things back up again. That means eating out, new hobbies, doctors appointments (relevant later) and all sorts of new exciting stuff.

I think the way I was able to maintain my discipline previously was because everything was shut down, there were no nights out, catching up with friends... honestly anything that makes life enjoyable! I think I used the weight loss and how strict I was being as a crutch to get me through those first few months of this year, as I had used food as a crutch towards the end of last year.

So. Things have opened up. I'm now fully vaccinated. And here's how my life has changed:

  • I took up indoor rock climbing. I love it so, so much and it's so satisfying to see what my body is capable of. However, I never did any weight training before and I'm starting to see a little bit of tone in my arms - I think this is adding to the plateau.

  • I changed birth control. A week or two ago I decided to come off the pill and switch to the nexplanon implant. I've definitely had an increase in appetite, however I think that was because I was also taking my pill for the first week to keep myself protected - I was plateau'd before this, but there's been a noticable uptick this week as a result of this (I stopped counting as I spent a week at my boyfriends - maybe that wee 'break' will help me get over this?). I believe nexplanon can also cause weight gain in the form of retaining water too, but please correct me on this if I'm wrong.

  • Days out. The climbing center I go to has an AMAZING cafe and the food all seems reasonably healthy (lots of lean protein and homemade produce). This means I don't tend to count those meals. I try to pick options that are reasonable. Also, going to restaurants etc. is a thing again. I'll count where I can, but otherwise I just pick what sounds reasonably healthy + enjoyable. I try to keep alcohol consumption to low-cal drinks, or if I want a glass of wine/pint I'll only have the one.

  • Stress. I was due to go on a year abroad for uni in September but it looks like the borders won't open in time. In order to go as soon as I do, I'll need to live nocturnally for a few months to take courses from my host university online. This, whilst I'm sure is doable, will not be pleasant, and the idea is definitely causing me a good amount of stress.

Right now I feel like I look good but I'm still a few kilos off where I'd like to be. My goal is 55kg but I'd be happy reaching 58kg.

Maybe I'm just too focused on the numbers on the scale at this point? I'm at a healthy BMI now, and I've come a long way from where I was at the start of the year. I don't want to call it quits now though - a couple more kilos is all I need to reach a point I'd be satisfied with. But I'm also so, so tired of this lol

I'm going to increase my kcals to 1350 so I can enjoy things a little more without feeling like I'm cheating. This will result in slower progress, but hey - this isn't an exam!

(Oh, also, because I see lots of posts here being used for these purposes & i'm a lil paranoid - DO NOT use this post in any videos. Make your own content!)

submitted by /u/hurglehelp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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