Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Losing weight makes my body feel foreign (rant)

Does anyone else feel like this? In the past when I've only lost 5, 10, even 15 pounds, I felt lighter and stronger than before. Now I'm almost at 25 pounds down and I'm just kinda...idk. it doesn't feel like my body. It isn't comfortable. I feel small and weak. I'm still overweight, which is the weird thing. I'm doing this in a healthy way and eating and drinking and all of that and I know that it's completely psychological. I spent so many years not looking in the mirror that my changes now feel so sudden. When I look at my legs or arms they're more bony and thin than before. It doesn't feel like my body, it's not recognizable at all. If it weren't for a few birth marks I'd think I was in the wrong one lol. Nothing fits the way it used to. Im not hungry the same amount I used to and I can't eat as much as I used to. I'm physically smaller and it's weird that I can feel my hip bones and rib cage where I didn't before. My boobs sit lower and my bra size is completely different. Little things like hugging someone or laying down to go to sleep feel uncomfortable bc I'm not padded and cushioned by my fat. I thought I hated my old body, but I just hated how it looked, not how it felt. I like how this one looks, but it feels all wrong. I feel like I'm disintegrating away or something.

Isn't weight loss supposed to make you happier? I just feel like an alien in my own body and now my legs have to work independently of each other what's that about? I'm no thigh gap but now they don't support each other and suddenly I'm having to hold myself up more. And I know that I didn't look in the mirror before, but when I look down at my legs or stomach and there's a whole roll missing, I feel like I'm missing something. I never enjoyed how I looked before, always insecure, always hating every imperfection even though I tried not to, so why do I miss it now? Why do I feel like I'm not in my own body?

Anyone else? I know this is probably an unpopular feeling, since most people (myself included until now) really love seeing their waist shrink and legs get toned as they progress in their health journeys. I don't know why I feel this way even though I'm trying to be grateful and happy that I've made progress. It's like, "this is what you wanted, isn't it?" "Well yes, but I didn't think it would be like this." Ya know?

submitted by /u/Appropriate_Hawk_889
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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