Wednesday, July 7, 2021

How do I lose the last 10kg?

Hi all

I have a very mild case of what I like to call my extra pudge. I (F) weigh 70kg and am 174cm tall so my bmi is a healthy 23.1. (I know BMI isn't the best way to indicate health but it's the easiest way for me to set a healthy goal that isn't too low).

Unfortunately, I find that my sedentary lifestyle and where I put the weight on my hips and thighs makes me quite uncomfortable and embarassed about my appearance. I feel that although my weight hasn't changed, I have lost muscle and gained fat which makes my body look different than I like. I have been consistently 65-70kg for many years but want to lose 5-10kg to get to a BMI of ~20 and reduce that area.

I have been trying to lay off the extra sugar which I occasionally have for desert / summer popsicle / soft drink. However this doesn't really do much. This was the major issue I saw with my diet and not seeing any change is really confusing me. I intend to start jogging / running to increase my fitness level but don't have access to a gym and have lower back issues so many body weight exercises are impossible for me.

I know this subreddit is in general talking about people with larger weight loss goals, so I find it hard to consider what I am supposed to do to lose that extra little bit. Has anyone here lost it after a long term plateau? How did you do it?

Should I reduce portion size? I only eat lunch and dinner with the occasional sweet snack as said earlier (I have a major sweet tooth). I don't get very hungry except for just before lunch and dinner. Should I integrate less grains and introduce more salads? I'm at a complete loss.

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/eomasa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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