Tuesday, July 13, 2021

My Experience so Far Rant type thing (Advice Welcome)

20m SW: 330 (originally probably more) CW: 320 Minor goal weight: 300 Major goal weight: 220 Serious journey time: < 1month

Sorry if I sound harsh in some of my language used. I used to be involved in a lot of sports even though I was over weight but quit when I got to high school and am kicking myself for not sticking with it and maintaining a better weight.

I have talked about starting my weight loss journey for a long time. I have hated the way I looked (mainly the weight department) for a while and during high school it worked out fine because I devoted time to school, work, and even taking college classes my senior year instead of dating because I felt I wasn't worth it for anyone.

I started at a 4yr college at the end of 2019. I ran out of things to devote my life. I felt empty inside and even though I had friends, I put on more like a freshman 25. I finally was feeling not so empty and then Covid hit. So I started working at a warehouse and lost a little weight but now felt empty alone from not seeing my friends anymore. I had bought a scale but didn't use it or do anything outside of work. 2020 started and I was stressed out with online classes and not being able to hang out with everyone I wanted to, I started eating to fill the void (again).

Classes ended I went back to my hometown for the summer and that is where things snapped. I started going to the gym with my dad on the day or two he would go and worked out on my own one other day of the week but was still eating like crap so I made very little progress. This past Sunday 7/11, I snapped fully with the hatred for my weight and laziness to fix my issue. I put on a shirt I had bought at the start of the school year and it didn't fit like it did before.

I decided to cut out all unnecessary eating (three meals a day and maybe fruit, vegetables, nuts after dinner) and limit myself to no more than one soda a day. I also started drinking water instead of eating anytime I felt hungry between meals. I also started to workout on my own every day for 30min to an hour working mostly on core unless I am going to the gym where I do a 30 to 45 minute mostly upper and legs.

Even since I have started working out I have felt better and more confident. I've kind of adapted a "you can do x so you can do unrelated y" mentality (if that makes sense) and started pushing the boundaries of being introverted as well. I never would have made a post like this before but since I'm making changes to me now might as well make one more, I guess.

I am going to try make posts regularly to give me another reason to work towards my goals. Not sure what to put in those but I'll cross that bridge when I get there I guess.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

submitted by /u/theheat01
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3hEOObm

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