Sunday, July 18, 2021

Pace (of weight loss, not walking, haha) is half of what it was the last time I lost weight. Is it okay to speed it up a little?

First off, height is 5’0; that hasn’t changed. Also 26F now. Went from 115 to 100 lbs in around 6 months four years ago, but daily weigh-ins started from around 109 lbs and went on for three months.

Currently trying to get from 123 lbs to 100 lbs again, so the high end of normal BMI to the low end. I guess I don’t really have a deadline but I’d say next family reunion in October (long story short, mom lectured me after we got back from one in early July) just because it’s probably useful to have a deadline?

Been weighing daily since July 4 and using an app to graph weekly rolling average since July 11, so the last eight days. That’s what I used to track my progress last time (so I didn’t count it as finished until my rolling average was below 100, meaning I had weighed in below that for at least a week).

Anyway, those first eight days have brought me from 123.1 to I have a net loss of 0.3 lbs after just over one week. Even though losing 15 lbs in 6 months last time would mean I was ultimately losing 0.625 lbs per week. And to my understanding what you want to aim for is around 0.5, right?

I will say I haven’t factored in exercise yet, which I did last time (had 10k daily steps for most of that 109 to 100 stretch). And as much as I love numbers (if you couldn’t tell), I can never stick with calorie counting because it’s too imprecise, but if I could know that imprecision is okay then I’d give it a try again.

Finally, I’ve been considering drinking water to hoard off snacking hunger (since not getting enough water is a legit health issue for me anyway) and switching three meals a day to either brunch/dinner or breakfast/lupper (if you will), but those both come off to me as mild ED red flags...should they?

So I guess my question ultimately is, which of the strategies I used in the last two paragraphs be most helpful in speeding up this process a little?

submitted by /u/tfhaenodreirst
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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