Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Seven Days and My First Green Apple

I have been really focused on my diet for seven days. I'm honestly impressed with myself.

I've never gotten into fad diets, quick weight loss plans, or whatever method is trending lately (Atkins, Keto, Intermittent Fasting, etc.) because they all have a common denominator: weird rules about what and when you can eat. I tried the South Beach diet once and lasted less than a day because I was craving sweets which were forbidden for the first two weeks. "What do you mean I can't have ONE cookie?!" and then I ate three. That's not a good response. If I get even the hint of a feeling that I'm being kept from foods I want, I become ravenous and inevitably gain weight.

Calories In/Calories Out (CICO) works for me because I have a negative response to being restricted on foods. With CICO, there is no rule saying I can't eat pizza for dinner tonight. I'm not "bad" for having ice cream. I'm not "disgusting" for eating a burger and fries. I'm not "giving up on it all" when I have a bad day and just need ice cream and wine. I can have whatever I want, but it has to balance in the calorie budget. This makes sense in my brain. What makes sense in your brain may be different, and the key is finding it!

All this is to say, I've done CICO. I've been successful with CICO. I know the problems I can face with it.

One of those problems is going over the calorie goal. I accept that I sometimes will go over my calorie goal, but that doesn't mean I've lost all hope. I can go over and still try to keep my eating in check. I don't panic and give up, just accept things as they are and try to be better at the next meal.

Typically, the first week of me clamping down on my diet involves me really, honestly assessing how poorly I've been eating. I tend to have multiple days >2000 calories, and it's a reality check on where I am in my eating pattern. This time around, with the 40 before 40 goal I've set for myself, things appear different.

Over the past seven days, I've gone over my 1.5lb/week goal calories, but I've never exceeded my maintenance calories. The highest day so far, I ate 435 calories over goal, but it was still under the maintenance calorie goal.

I use MyNetDiary for tracking, and the display is an apple. As you eat, the apple fills up. If you stay under calorie goal, it is green. If you go over, it turns red. They FINALLY updated the app so that the apple turns orange when you're over, but still losing. I love this feature

For the past week, the apple has been orange. Today was the day that apple stayed green!

One week on, and all my water weight is coming off. I wasn't a true 240 when I set my goal, but that number was popping up when I'd weigh myself sometimes. This first week seems extreme like it always is when I get back to counting calories. Most of my loss is really just water weight. Despite that, it feels good that already -- in my first week -- I'm hitting green!

And even better, I'm not feeling restricted.

And the best part? I had ice cream for dessert!

39F 5'3" SW 240.0 CW 235.8 GW 200.0 (by Christmas)

submitted by /u/40GoalGal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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