Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Weight loss or how I became the "Sk8er boi"

Good morning folks!

It truly is unbelievable to me. Last summer I weighed almost 110kgs. I started in the middle of march 2021 with my journey at 103kgs and now I lost about 30lbs / 14kgs. In my mind I heard a click. I just did not want to be fat anymore. I held a milka chocolate egg in my hand, looked at the calories and realised, that I was able to eat 4 of those in one sitting. No wonder I was big.

Now I am fluctuation between 89 and 88kg at 179cm height (25yo, male). I did this by first counting calories (LoseIt app), started running at 92kgs and now I am going to the gym 1-3 times a week. Since middle school I haven't been at that weight (And I was not as tall back then). I am really riding a wave of joy right now. I have never felt better, physically and mentally. And I thought I could never make it this far, but this really is the proof that anybody can do it, if I can do it! Don't let yourself down, know what you want, focus on that and control the things that you can control.

The pandemic, stupid decisions in the past and isolation kept me from becoming the better me. I realised mid April that I cannot control those things. And if I wanted to start to become happy, I had to look for things that I could alter. But where to start? I stopped caring about the news, toxic people that let me down and all the bad things that happen in my life that are out of my reach and are unchangable. And so I started to take a look at myself and what I was able to change! I picked up the cello again, learned to spend time by myself without anxiety and the fear of being left out and finally had stuff to do! My weightloss journey really is my manifestation of change for the better. I lost my weight, but I gained so much. I started reading some books about self-improvement, psychology (especially Victor E. Frankl) and stoic philosophy and here I am. I have not finished yet and my journey is still long. But for the first time my arbitrary goal at 78kgs is in reach (just because it would be at 25 BMI).

People are noticing the differences in my looks and my confidence and that is a great boost to my self-consciousness. When I look in the mirror, for the first time I don't want to barf but I think that I start to look handsome. The greatest compliment I got was from a girl. I told her about my true feelings for her last summer, when I was obese. She rejected me back then and two months ago she said that she was envious of me and that she could not go on being my friend if I got a girlfriend. Something something sk8er boi, see you later boy. Thing is, this happened when I did not reach my goal yet, so what will happen when I reach my goal? It will only get better. I just have to be as nice as possible to everybody around me. Life is a struggle and I do not want make life any more difficult for anybody else (especially not for the girl - I just try to keep my distance now).

I have been following this community since mid March, since I started and this is my first post here (I had a big laugh about the guy that posted that his dick got bigger (which I can confirm)). My gratitude to all of you and this positivity will help me keep my promise to myself. The journey will never end though. I will probably never stop counting calories, just because I don't want to fall back into my old self and I want to keep on improving myself as long as I can. The weight loss journey never has been only about the fat or the weight or my looks. It is about everything, about finally becoming the person that I want to be and to become alright with myself, because in the end the person you spend the most time with, is you. If you are unhappy with yourself, change it. Become better, lose it. Become healthy!

Thank you for reading and sorry for my weird language (english is not my first language) :)

submitted by /u/BuchenSuchen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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