Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Weight loss for women over 40


Mу friend who is a nutritionist and I have noticed that there are no weight loss programs specifically for women over 40. And it’s a pity, since body changes at that age and it would be cool to have a program that keeps these changes in mind.

So we’ve teamed-up and created a 6-week program to help women who are over 40 lose weight in a healthy way. The program gives knowledge on how the body changes and includes a weekly meal plan, recipes, workout plans and videos. Each plan includes personalised diet and physical activity recommendations.
You can find more information on our website -

In case you are interested, feel free to fill out the form and get your own plan.
Otherwise, we will be more than grateful, if you provide your feedback on our idea and website or share it with your friends.

submitted by /u/hannah_bratton
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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