Wednesday, October 31, 2018

30 Day Accountability Challenge - October wrap up!

Happy Halloween everyone! It is also the last day of this fabulous month. I hope you have conquered & taken joy in October! I'm taking a hostess break for November but I will be around & cheering y'all on! The lovely Joisan08 is hosting, here's the sign up post -

Goal wrap up -

Stupid extra toothpaste: I did mediocre here. I will keep this goal until it is the final step in my stupid oral hygiene routine.

Weight by end of the month < 300: Started the month at: 310.4, 311 trend weight. This morning: 294.4, 297.6 trend weight. Delta: 16 lbs, 13.4 trend weight.

I call this a mother fucking victory.

Stay within calorie goal of 1650: My net calories were in goal/lower than goal. I took an extra maintenance day. I tried to let myself have extra calories when it felt like my body not my brain wanted it. Brain versus body hungry is still sometimes tough to discern. But the rate of loss told me I was okay to have a little more when I felt my body needed it.

Exercise 5 days a week & really get a sweat on: 22/31 for the month. I pushed myself for more intensity when I work out & I think it really paid off as far as results. I still have a lot of fat but damn if I'm not feeling muscle tone under it. Plus my butt changed shape.

Improve my relationship with food & my body: It can be tough to roll with all the punches when you wake up in a different body damn near every day because of weight loss shenanigans. I think being mindful & appreciative of those changes is important. I was much more pleased with my body this month than last.

Journal once a week, uninterrupted 60 minutes about stuff that matters (in addition to other journaling I already do): 4/4 weeks down. Keeps me closer to sane.

Self-care treat once a week: 4/4 weeks down. I'm getting pretty okay at taking care of my self.

Let's hear about everyone's month long journey, shall we? And tell us if you're dressed up! :)

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Thursday, 01 November 2018

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cheat days do not work for me. Should they?

Hi everyone! First time poster, long time lurker. 29/m and 52 lbs (24kg) lost.

So I know Cheat days are pretty common thing in weight loss and I've tried to do them, however, they just arent working for me. When I started my journey back in July, I didn't drink for 4 weeks. Then I had a beer and said "Well, it is Friday, maybe I'll just drink on Fridays". Well. That turned into drinking just on weekends and now it's started to bleed into weekdays.

I guess I know it's becoming an issue because I'm stopping again, but food is also a problem where I would allow myself one "fat day" of all the good(bad) stuff, but that's started bleeding over too.

I don't know how to stop this from happening, like, I can only be good for so long it seems. Does anyone have any kind of advice on how to do Cheat Days correctly?


submitted by /u/Wizard_of_Ozzy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hello Onederland!

I am a long time lurker and first time poster. I've never commented on anyone else's weight loss stories but I have up voted many. Anyway, in January I realized I am starting to get close to 40 years old. I have been overweight my entire life. I know my parents (who are also overweight) have had all sorts of problems. Knee replacements, diabetes, heart issues, etc. I also know that I want to avoid as much of that as I can. I have a wife and a daughter who need me to be around and healthy as long as possible. I decided it was time to get in shape and loose weight while I am still in my 30's.

I really don't know what my ultimate end weight goal is. I do have a lot of muscle mass and don't think I will ever hit ideal BMI. I set what I felt was a very obtainable goal to hit 199 by Christmas of this year.

I started doing CICO and intermittent fasting in January. I really just started skipping breakfast because I realized I was almost never hungry in the morning and was just eating out of habit. I have an elliptical and started doing that for 35 minutes 5 days a week at a moderate jog. I have now lost ~76 pounds and when I weighed myself this morning the scale said 199!! A full 2 months before my goal date! I haven't been this light since middle school. I still have a ways to go still for sure. I think I am setting 180 as my new target.

I don't think I am alone in this but when I look in the mirror I don't see a ton of differences in my appearence. I think my biggest issue is that I never saw myself as big as I got. My self image was always smaller. So it's been frustrating at times that I don't think there's much of a change. Then I go and look at pictures (like the progress pic I posted below) and the difference absolutely blows my mind.

Here are some changes I've noticed:

  • Down from almost 3x to a large (probably getting close to medium) shirt size
  • Down 2 pants sizes
  • almost on a second new belt
  • starting to get cold a lot easier
  • starting to notice sagging skin (I was hoping it wouldn't be too bad but I think it will)
  • my resting heart rate is usually around 60 BPM (I think this is mostly due to the jogging)
  • my wife says I don't snore anymore
  • I can't sit on hard surfaces anymore because my butt hurts!
  • I can see the outline of the bottom of my rib cage

Anyway enough rambling. Thank you to all of you out there who posted your inspirational stories that helped me see what is possible!

Progress pics for those who are interested

submitted by /u/FunkMstr74
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A question about loose skin

This subreddit was a huge help in my weight loss journey. Thankfully, I didn't have enough weight to lose to cause loose skin, but I often read about it here. My wife had some loose skin after quickly losing weight after having our first child, and will probably definitely have more since she recently had our second child. She's ready to start losing weight slowly and responsibly while still breastfeeding instead of rushing through it this time without being able to produce as much milk.

My wife is 32, 5'1" and was 175 pounds as of a few days ago. She was 120 when she got pregnant with our first child, 160 when she gave birth, and dropped down to 110 in less than a year, which definitely contributed to her loose skin before. We waited 10 years to have our second child, and she started this pregnancy at 160 after having slowly gained weight in the last 5 years, and was 200 right before our second child was born. She left the hospital at 182, 5 weeks ago.

Has anyone in this subreddit intentionally lost a large amount of weight slowly or broken it up into sections where you intentionally lose weight for a period, then maintained weight for 6 months or more to minimize loose skin? Most people want to lose weight quickly and/or steadily, so I don't expect a lot of answers. She's prepared to go slowly or take a break if that might help reduce the loose skin. She knows to drink lots of water and count her calories, and skin elasticity is largely genetic. Losing the weight isn't the problem, just trying to reduce the loose skin is her main concern. Thanks!

submitted by /u/PFthroaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

An honest TDEE and activity question - maintaining and under-eating?

Hi everyone. I’m so sorry to ask a TDEE question. I tried reading other answers but they don’t fit my scenario, and I need an outside opinion.

The actual question: I am 31, 5’ 9 and roughly 157 pounds. I am looking to maintain a massive weight loss (160+ pounds) and my current body fat is between 10-12%, though it’s hard to tell with loose skin.

I have a sedentary job that I do for 4 hours 2-3 times a week. The rest is generally on my feet, mostly opera performance - similar I’d say to serving exertion. I walk 10k at least a day, lift 3 times a week, and row or run 4-5 (45 minutes or more) days a week.

I currently have my setting at lightly active and giving myself 2200 calories, but was experiencing a lot of under-eating symptoms. I’m afraid to eat more if it’s just me being emotional, I have a fear of gaining weight back...

Is lightly active an accurate setting?

My history: I lost 160 pounds with food basically alone, though I started running this summer which helped. I’ve never been at this weight in my life, so I actually don’t really know how to take care of myself now...

I’m afraid of gaining weight back, so the idea of eating more scares me, especially because I’m eating far more than when I was losing already (mostly 1600 cals per day), yet having horrible symptoms...

Thank you all in advance for your advice!

submitted by /u/will2btenor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

3 Ingredient Black Bean Soup with Cotija Cheese

I have a super easy and healthy recipe for Black Bean Soup with Real California Cotija Cheese to share today! It’s only 3 ingredients and really good! And to celebrate Hispanic Heritage month I’m sharing some information on my favorite Mexican cheese – Cotija.

3 ingredient black bean soup recipe and cotija cheese (534x800)

Cotija cheese is my favorite because it is salty and has a strong flavor without being pungent or overwhelming the other flavors of a dish. I love to eat it rolled up in a warm corn tortilla. So simple and delicious!

easy black bean soup with California cotija cheese recipe 1

I’m Mexican-American so I’m super familiar with this crumbly cheese used as a topping for tacos or soup. And it’s very common in Mexican restaurants. But in case you haven’t used it at home… here’s some information on the taste, where it’s from and how to use it:

Cotija Cheese 101 how to cook with it and (534x800) (2)

It is usually sold in small rounds in the cheese section of your local grocery store. Make sure to look for the Real California Milk seal when you buy it!

For more information check out the Real California Milk – Cheese Types chart and click on Hispanic Cheese at the top. It has a description of several different types of cheese and how they’re best used.

Real California Milk logo new Oct 18


Okay – now let’s make some black bean soup!

easy black bean soup with California cotija cheese 2 recipe


This recipe is so simple it almost seems too easy, too good to be true… but it’s delicious!

The secret is to use a really good salsa. I love a medium salsa with roasted peppers or something with a lot of garlic. And after combining all the ingredients, taste and add more salsa or season with salt & pepper as needed.

3 ingredient black bean soup recipe with cotija cheese (1) (534x800)

Black Bean Soup Recipe with Cotija Cheese


2 cans black beans (not drained)

2 cups salsa (roasted garlic works great)

1/2 cup Real California cotija cheese

optional: cilantro, avocado, tortilla chips

Directions: Combine beans and salsa in a sauce pot and heat thoroughly. Stir.

Serve topped with crumbled cotija cheese.

Optional – add avocado, cilantro and tortilla chips (or your favorite toppings).



easy black bean soup with California cotija cheese 7


Look for the Real California Milk seal when you’re shopping for your favorite cheese. The seal means it’s made with Real California Milk – 99% of the dairy farms here are family owned.

Question: Have you used Cotija Cheese at home?

It’s one of my favorites – so yeah!


This post is in partnership with Real California Milk. All opinions are my own.

The post 3 Ingredient Black Bean Soup with Cotija Cheese appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

NSV: I just ran my first marathon!

I started running regularly in March 2017, about 10 months into my weight loss journey. Up to that point, I had already lost about 75 pounds, mostly through changing my diet and partly by going to the gym regularly (stationary bikes ftw). But I was always afraid of running, in part because it puts a lot of stress on your joints (especially if you're carrying excess weight), but mostly because I was afraid of being judged or sneered at while running around the streets of my city.

I did my first 5K that March after using the Couch to 5K app (cannot recommend highly enough for first-time runners!) That first spring/summer, I did maybe 5 or 6 more 5K/10K races, and began training for my first half marathon, which I ran in October 2017. Since then, I've done two more half marathons (March and September of 2018) and last week I ran my first-ever full marathon!

I'm not here to dispute the science, which clearly shows that dieting is far more important for statistical weight loss than exercise. But I will say, finding a regular exercise routine that challenges you and allows you to measure your progress is just as important to the psychology behind weight loss as what you eat. During weeks when the scale wasn't moving at all, I could still see my mile times slowly tick down as I ran more and more. That little added metric helped keep me motivated. Plus, yes, as exercise goes, running is one of the best ways to burn calories! Nothing like being able to honestly justify an extra slice of pizza or a few scoops of ice cream after a 10-mile training run.

tl;dr: I started running about 18 months ago to compliment my weight loss journey, and last weekend I ran my first full marathon!

submitted by /u/adamallabout
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Running Challenge–Run Bet and Pile on the Miles Announcement Podcast


Pile on the Miles Challenge 2018[3]

Today I’m sharing the BIG NEW challenge we’re doing for Pile on the Miles this year here (click link on your smart phone – not computer)

Plus I have updates on running, eating and life! This might be a quick one…!

Running Challenge November Pile on the Miles

Pile on the Miles starts Nov 5th!!
NEW – This year we’re using the Run Bet app to track all the miles!!

Join here (click link on your smart phone – not computer)

– Stay accountable.
– Get motivated!
– Make friends.
– Pile on the miles – not pounds in November!!

Pile on the Miles 2018 Run Bet Challenge (800x800)

We’ll have a private FB group too! I’ll be available to answer your running & eating questions.
I’m here to coach, support and help keep you going!

How to Join the Pile on the Miles Challenge:
1. Download the Run Bet App.
2. Sign up for the Pile on the Miles Challenge.
Challenge yourself to run at least 4x a week / 30 minutes.
Nov 5 – Dec 2.
3. Run!
4. WIN and get your money back.
Stick with it and get your money back plus split any extra in the pot!!
(So it’s free because you’re going to stick with it – right!)
AND – the app tracks everyone’s mileage so if you want a lil friendly competition you can try to go for the most miles!!
* BONUS: I’ll be giving out prizes for the most miles!! *

Sign up here: (link only works on your phone)



Pile on the Miles Run Bet page

Run Bet Questions and Answers:

1. Can I use my Garmin Connect info on the treadmill? The treadmill I have is a little off with distance and pace.

RunBet:  For any treadmill photos, we do require the treadmill readout and the sweaty selfie.  They can try to use Garmin Connect on the treadmill, but we don’t recommend it as the GPS doesn’t always work indoors. And I’d hate to see someone try to use GarminConnect only to find out it didn’t track properly.

2. Can I walk on the treadmill for 30 min or has to be on the run?? 

RunBet: The player must meet the 18:00/mile pace requirement for this game.  The intention is to get people running and not point out that they can walk and still make the pace requirement.

3. Can I do the run in 2 parts to total 30 minutes for the day? Example – I run a 5K that day but finish in less than 30 minutes… Can I do a separate run to total 30 minutes for the day? 

RunBet: As per the Rules, “All runs must be tracked in one continuous session from start to finish.” So we do require the run to be done and completed in one session.

4. Can I do more than 1 run in a day? If I won’t have time to run 4 days… could I do 2 runs on 1 day? [Monica added – I’m assuming they’d chop it to start separate runs and NOT do 1 –  run for 60 minutes… but run 30 and start a new workout on their app?? ]

RunBet: Unfortunately, only one run a day can count towards the four runs/week requirement.

5. Can I do it from Canada? 

RunBet:  Anyone, anywhere can join and play.

6. Does Run Keeper count to track runs?

RunBet: Yes, RunKeeper and Strava will both work. 

7. I tried logging in using Facebook and got an error message… help?

RunBet: Please refer any person having problems with logging in to  Our staff will be able to assist them, reset passwords, or do anything else they need to get logged in.

Link to join:


Hyland’s Boston Marathon Team Applications Open Now

And another Big Announcement…

I’m going to be the host of a video series by Hyland’s following the journey of their runners to the Boston Marathon finish line!!

They’re recruiting right now for Healers… doctors, nurses, therapists, physical therapists, etc.

bts Boston Marathon video series

Hylands Boston Marathon team recruiting next race

Watch the first video announcing the team here – Hyland’s Powered Boston Marathon FB

Apply at >>>


I ran the Lexus Lace Up Ventura Half Marathon last weekend! I woke up at 3:30am to drag myself from south Orange County to Ventura. But it was a fun, fast course! And there were waffles.

Race Recap coming soon.


Lexus Lace Up Palos Verdes is next!

Use discount code RER10 to save!

Lexus Lace Up Half Marathon irvine results discount (800x800)

Check the Race Discounts Page for more.



I’m finally going to move. That’s all I know.

But I’ve been getting a lot of questions about it on Instagram.

Follow @RunEatRepeat as I figure it out…

we get to run fitness podcast

Got a question for me?

Email – or leave it in the question box on instagram!

podcast question info (800x800)


Make sure you’re subscribed to the show so you don’t miss an episode! And tell someone about it!

Tag @RunEatRepeat on instagram and let me know what you’re doing while you listen!

Have a great run!



The post Running Challenge–Run Bet and Pile on the Miles Announcement Podcast appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

[NSV] Went to the gym after the Halloween Party last night! Screw you, pizza!

Last night my company threw a Halloween party, complete with candy, popcorn, the works. I vowed to only have one thin slice of pizza, then finish off my dinner with a salad. Unfortunately pizza is my #1 weakness. No matter how much I think I can only have just one, I've never done it. I ended up having three small slices at the party and had a wonderful time.

Of course I had surpassed my daily calorie goal. By the time the party ended and cleanup was done, it was 6:30 PM and I had an hour drive home ahead of me. Every bone in my body was saying "just go home and crawl into bed. You haven't seen your boyfriend all day. You have Red Dead Redemption II to play."

NOPE. My common sense kicked in. I was not about to slip into old habits. I asked myself "how bad do you really want this? If you don't want to go to the gym you don't want it that badly."

I do. I do want this badly. I've struggled with weight loss all my life. This is MY TIME. So I showed up to the gym, finished Week 3 Day 3 of C25K, hopped on the stationary bike for a bit, and kissed those pizza calories goodbye. I felt amazing. I'm still feeling amazing from a workout I finished 14 hours ago.

If there's anything you can take away from this, let it be this: do the workout even when you don't want to. You will never finish a workout and say "ugh...I wish I hadn't done that." It's okay to give in to your indulgences once in a while. Just stay accountable and don't stop working. Thanks for reading, everyone!

submitted by /u/melodycat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Do you have an item of clothing you use a the measure of your GW?

I've just recently started losing weight. Got sick of my boobs being in the way constantly and waistline starting to vanish.

I was thinking maybe it'd be motivating to have a pair of jeans of something I want to fit into when I reach my goal weight/size (I'm more about the cm and inches than kg and pounds), and try it on once a month to see the progress, but I was wondering what you guys, the weight loss gurus of the world, thought of that idea?

I should probably lose around 25 kg (55 lbs) to get a healthy BMI, so it'll take me a few months and I just want something to help me visualise where I'm heading.

submitted by /u/herrejemini
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

calories and weight training?

This may be better suited for another sub so if that's the case, I apologize. I'm confused about the amount of calories I should be eating on days I'm strength training. Typically, I will stick to around 1200 if I'm sedentary. If I do a good amount of cardio, I'll probably eat 1400-1500. On days I lift, however, I am lost. I know I need sufficient calories for building muscle, so I'm not sure if I should just eat at maintenance and slow my weight loss in the hopes of growing some gainzzzz or remain in a deficit and lose weight but risk doing a whole bunch of weight work for nothing. I've generally been doing the maintenance days and have seen no weight change (I am new to lifting so I've heard this could be water retention, but I'm not sure). Anyone experienced in anything like this?

submitted by /u/jiggyhal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Ideas for a research project on weight loss effects

Hello everybody. I have been a longtime lurker of this sub and have lost the extra 40-45 lbs I had lying around so-to-speak.

I am currently a senior in college and am doing a small study on my friend’s weight loss attempt of his own that I got him into a few months back. I am going to be asking him to complete a small survey each day for a week asking him about his mental state, anxiety, what he ate, if he exercised, how much sleep he got, etc. in order to see how being on a diet affects him as a college student.

I am posting this to see if any of you have ideas about what else I could ask him in terms of these effects of weight loss and to get some additional feedback on the topic in terms of anything you all have experienced during your journey. Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you so much in advance.

submitted by /u/Obsessive_Tendencies
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Halloween is Here. Let's Share Some Progress!

Who is up to share some weight loss progress, Halloween style?

Maybe you have some comparison pictures from a previous Halloween to post up to visually show off your efforts so far? Full costume isn't required, but certainly encouraged!

Any plans for this today? Are you heading to a party and worried about all those snacks, or do you totally have this under control? Maybe you have noticed some differences in how all that readily available candy is calling your name? Are you are dressing up and super proud of how you are rocking that costume? Or are you feeling like you want to rant a bit to get your Halloween angst under control? Whatever it is weight loss and Halloween themed this is the place to be.

I'll kick it off with some before and after pics. I was probably 190ish here (not my heaviest, but reasonably close). My after is from last year. At my 5 year old daughter's request I dressed as Starfire from Teen Titans (no pic with the wig, sorry!). This year I'm going to be Poison Ivy (again by request). If I can ever get my costume finished maybe I'll update with a picture of that too. :)

For today I plan on going for an epic trick-or-treat walk with the kids. Last year I got in about 17k steps doing that - in those heels no less! I'm hoping I can beat that record this year with more comfortable footwear. My biggest concern is staying warm. Maybe I'll bring a hot chocolate along with me so that I can have some chocolate and stay warm at the same time.

submitted by /u/fluffstermcmuffin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally, some success!

I recommitted to fitness this year, and fell in love with weight lifting and going to the gym. However, my work schedule was crazy and it was nearly impossible to feed myself in a way that led me towards weight loss. It was an extreme amount of work and, since I can't meal prep, I actually couldn't do a whole lot. I was working out, but not losing weight.

In fact, my schedule was so crazy that I was turned down by two nutritionists when I asked for meal planning and prep help.

So I caved and bought an all-natural, organic meal replacement shake called Bertrand. I drink two of those a day and have some ham or a veggie omelet or something in the morning.

And it's honestly a godsend. I've finally started losing weight. I have more energy. I don't need to worry about food now because I know I'm well fed and nutrition'd. AND it tastes good!

Honestly, I'm so freaking relieved and relaxed by this now. After a year of struggling, I feel like I'm finally working towards my goal in a manageable and HEALTHY way.

Honestly, I feel like it was the missing piece of the puzzle and everything here on out will be smoother sailing until I switch to maintenance mode. Just wanted to share my tiny bit of success. :)

submitted by /u/ReginaAmazonum
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone know a good way to prevent the loose skin problem?

28M, 6’7”, 310 lbs. my weight has been up and down my whole life. I first committed to losing weight when I was 19 and about 320 lbs. I got down to 220 in about 12-18 months. I thought I was still fat but I look back at old pics and I was SUPER thin. Still though, I remember having a flabby body but I think it was just loose skin.

Over the next few years, I gained it all back and then some. I peaked at 350, lost 20 in 3 months for a family wedding then dropped another 40 in about 5 months for another family wedding. I’ve since gone back from 290 to 310.

I really want to start taking this serious and get back down to 250. I’m a little worried though that I’ll never have a decent looking body because I’ll always have that loose skin problem. Anybody know a good way to prevent that as much as possible in weight loss?

submitted by /u/shnmchl61
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How Nutritionists Bounce Back From a Binge

Parties, holidays, birthdays, bad days—sometimes a binge happens. Even to people who know the dangers so well, like LeeAnn Kindness, Jeff Chiarelli and Deanna Otranto from Nutrisystem’s team of nutritionists and weight loss pros. We asked them to tell us about their smartest strategies for getting back on track after a bout of unhealthy eating.

Here’s what nutrition experts do after they give in to a binge… and why:

1. Forgive and forget.


“Know that you’re not perfect. Striving for perfection can sabotage your goals,” LeeAnn says. “One meal or one day won’t ruin your chances of achieving your healthy lifestyle. Get right back on track with your next meal and be proud of yourself for that!”

2. Consider why.

Binges may be triggered by special occasions, stress or other reasons, but your daily choices can help reduce the chances they will occur. “Did you skip any meals?,” Jeff asks. “Did you drink enough water? Did you eat enough veggies?” When you’re following your Nutrisystem weight loss plan, eating good food frequently, and staying well-hydrated, you feel satisfied, so you’re less likely to overdo it even when the temptation is hard to resist.

3. Get moving.

“Lacing up and going for a stroll will not only clear you mind and get you moving, but it will aid in digestion to get you through the post-binge bloat,” LeeAnn suggests. Even better, physical activity stokes your metabolism, so you start burning off those extra calories right away. “Just remember not to try to compensate for your binge all in one exercise session,” Deanna cautions. “You’re likely to end up so sore you won’t be able to hit the gym again tomorrow or, worse, you’ll hurt yourself” and be unable to exercise for even longer.

4. Drink up.

After a binge, “be strict with your fluid intake. Hydrating will aid in digestion, naturally rid your body of excess sodium and curb hunger,” LeeAnn explains. “Plus, drinking enough water can be an easy and rewarding goal to focus on instead of post-binge guilt.” Try for the daily goal of 64 ounces of water, unsweetened tea or plain seltzer. Click here for simple hacks to make loading up on liquids easier >

5. Go green, yellow, orange and red.

bell peppers

Fiber helps all the food you’ve eaten move smoothly through your digestive tract and keeps you feeling full long after you’re done. Non-starchy vegetables are loaded with fiber, high in nutrients and unlimited on your Nutrisystem plan. “At your next meal, go a little overboard with the spinach, cucumbers or peppers,” Kindness urges.

6. Keep tracking.


Logging what you eat, drink and do each day increases your chances of losing weight, according to a study by Kaiser Permanente, the healthcare company. The NuMi app, free to Nutrisystem customers, makes it easy to track your daily diet and activity. “Tracking your meals with NuMi is a great way to hold yourself accountable for all of your meal-time decisions,” Otranto says. Record your binge and then the healthy choices you make after it and you’ll see and be motivated by all that you’re doing to make progress toward your goal.

7. Begin again today.

fresh start

“When you first started on this journey, you didn’t try to compensate for a lifetime of bad eating—you just started,” Otranto reminds us. “Pretend today is the very first day of your new healthy lifestyle and put the past behind you.”

The post How Nutritionists Bounce Back From a Binge appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

6 Healthy Root Vegetables You Have to Try This Fall

Root vegetables are the edible parts of plants that grow underground, but these super-nutritious, health foods are finding their way into the spotlight and onto the plates of healthy eaters. Carrots are the most familiar root vegetable—we eat the long, orange bottoms, not the leafy tops. These six other roots are, like carrots, rich in flavor and nutrients, and they’re ideal for slow-cooking in diet dishes that warm you up on cool fall days. Here’s why each is a healthful addition to your diet plan and a few ideas for enjoying them:

root vegetables

Most of us recognize the dark red roots, though you can also find varieties that are striped with white inside and some that have golden yellow skin and flesh. All are naturally sweet—beets are a raw ingredient in table sugar—yet they’re low to medium on the Glycemic Index, so you can enjoy them even when you’re trying to lose weight.
Nutrisystem category: Vegetable
Nutrition facts: A cup of raw beets has 58 calories, 3.8 grams of fiber, 13 grams of complex carbohydrates, 22 milligrams of calcium and 442 milligrams of potassium.
Try: Beet salad with arugula and goat cheese blends the sweetness of the roots with peppery greens and the creamy texture of the cheese. When you roast beets, the sugars are caramelized, giving them an even deeper, richer flavor.


They look like large, white carrots and they have a similar mildly sweet flavor and crunchy texture. When cooked, parsnips become very tender and even sweeter.
Nutrisystem category: SmartCarb
Nutrition facts: A half-cup of raw parsnips has just 50 calories, yet gives you 3.3 grams of fiber, 250 milligrams of potassium, and more than 10 percent of your RDA of vitamin C, folate and manganese.
Try: Steamed and pureed parsnips make a hearty foundation for low-fat, creamy soups. Slice raw parsnips into “sticks” and bake them in the oven with a little oil, salt and pepper to make crispy “fries.”


A roundish bulb shaped a bit like a large radish, turnips often have purplish tops and white bottoms but some varieties are all white. The insides of both are a creamy white color. They taste lightly spicy. When shopping, look for smaller turnips, which are more tender than larger ones.
Nutrisystem category: Vegetable
Nutrition facts: In a cup of raw turnips, you get 36 calories, 2.3 grams of fiber, 27 milligrams of vitamin C, and no fat or cholesterol.
Try: Instead of ordinary mashed potatoes, try boiled and mashed turnips with apples, a sweet and spicy weight loss combination that just might become a new family favorite. And don’t toss the green tops in the garbage—they’re also loaded with nutrients and they taste delicious raw or sauteed.

Sometimes called swedes or wax turnips, rutabagas are a hybrid created from turnips and cabbage. Rutabagas are mildly spicy but become more sweet-tasting when cooked. They look a bit knobby on the outside, but they have smooth, starchy texture inside.
Nutrisystem category: Vegetable
Nutrition facts: In a cup of raw rutabaga, you get 52 calories, 3.2 grams of fiber, 60 milligrams of calcium, 35 milligrams of vitamin C, and 427 milligrams of potassium.
Try: With their sturdy texture, rutabagas make a solid base for a vegetable tart made with layers of potatoes, carrots and garlic. For a hearty and healthy side dish, toss chunks of rutabaga with mustard and dill, then roast them to tenderness.

The bulbous exterior of kohlrabi may be light green or deep purple, but all are white inside. Like its close relative broccoli, kohlrabi has a mild peppery flavor.
Nutrisystem category: Vegetable
Nutrition facts: A cup of raw kohlrabi has 36 calories, 5 grams of fiber, and 83 milligrams of vitamin C, 472 milligrams of potassium, and a substantial amount of vitamin A.
Try: You can eat kohlrabi raw, sliced into salads or grated into your favorite slaw. Add cubes of kohlrabi to vegetable soups, where they become tender after slow cooking. Shredded kohlrabi mixed with egg and a little flour make tasty fritters your family will love.


Also called celery root or knob celery, celeriac is a variety of celery grown for its edible roots. While celeriac won’t win the vegetable beauty pageant, its scent is fresh and sweet, and when cooked its aroma has a savory smell that may remind you of Thanksgiving dinner in the oven. The taste is mild, with gentle herbal notes that make it an ideal companion to stronger flavors.
Nutrisystem category: Vegetable
Nutrition facts: In a cup of raw celeriac, you get 66 calories, 2.8 grams of fiber, 67 milligrams of calcium, 12.5 milligrams of vitamin C and 468 milligrams of potassium.
Try: Celeriac’s smooth texture (after peeling the rough skin) lends itself to purees that can be used to add flavor and nutrients to soups and stews. Roast it with pears to make a sweet side dish for broiled fish or turkey breast.

Did you snap a picture of your root vegetable dish? We want to see! Share your weight loss inspired recipe creations.

The post 6 Healthy Root Vegetables You Have to Try This Fall appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Happy Halloween

the candy holiday... for some of us it will be one of the hardest day. having candies all arround.

remember that weight loss is not a race, but a marathon!

there's multiple approach you and i can have today to a successful Halloween!

  1. make it a normal day, its Halloween not your honeymoon.

  2. if it fit you calories, why not?

  3. make it a cheat day!

its much easier to go through if you have a plan, and your moral will love it tomorrow!

make sure you wear a costume (if you can haha) mych funnier that way!

if you have any other tips dont hesitate to share them!

from pieman to heman!

submitted by /u/lluren
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Wednesday, 31 October 2018? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel awesome and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

7 months ago this sub gave me my "click" and 7 months later i'm down 100lbs

Around 7 months ago I found this sub and after looking through a bunch of posts I had what some call a click. Something changed in my head and for the first time in my life I started working on losing weight with crazy confidence that I could actually do it.

I just wanted to thank anyone who has posted in the last 7 months, because I have been lurking almost everyday since I started and have learned so much about nutrition and weight loss and they also really help with motivation.

I'm sure someone will ask what i've been doing to lose the weight, and it's just the same thing that has been said over and over on this sub. CICO and tracking what I eat. I also have been trying keto for the last month, and so far I absolutely love it, but it's definitely not for everyone.

If anyone really wants to see my progress pics just look at my posts I only have 2 and just posted them on r/progresspics I would link the post but i'm not sure if that's allowed.

submitted by /u/JollyOne5
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Scale Victory: I've lost 2 jean sizes in 2 months!

Thanks for sticking with me despite my negativity. Ive been working out when i can and dieting. So ive always been a size 18 my teenage and adult life. I went to the store to buy some jeans and was disappointed that they only carry up to 16. So i tried them on and it was like clown pants! So i tried a size 14 and it fit perfectly! I was shocked! I thought it was vanity sizing so i went to target and tried a size 14 and it was tight but fit! I am so happy. This is from a 10 lb weight loss in 1 month or so (been plateauing since).

For refrence, i was 185 in august now i am 175 (i'm 5'2"). gonna keep it up! thanks for all the support in my crazy

submitted by /u/luxorcairo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

r/loseit, I need you now more than ever

28F, 5'8". SW 163, CW 145, GW 140.

I'm not currently overweight, but I have been (and haven't been) and have been, since I was very little. I struggle with bulimia and compulsive overeating because blah blah blah all the trauma/drama.

But I haven't purged in almost a year. A YEAR. It will be a year in January. However, yesterday, for the first time in almost as long, I thought about purging. I really thought about it. And if I did it, it would be like an ex-smoker taking that first drag. Purging was my only friend at one point. It was my secret, it was comfort. And it sounds crazy because it is literally a mental illness. I started purging in 2009, and until this January, I thought that I would always purge.

Then I got health insurance and I have some meds and I had some therapy, and I was getting better. But I'm poor as shit, so I can really only keep up the meds at this point. And I'm struggling. I started losing weight in March, and last week I hit 19 lbs lost. And something happened, and I don't know what it was, but now I am bingeing almost every day, and it feels so familiar, this lack of control, and I'm almost 30 but I feel nothing but terror. And I've already gained 2 lbs back.

I'm desperate for a lasting, normal relationship with food. For a healthy self image, or for not giving a shit about what I look like. I would do anything to maintain my goal weight. But now I'm just certain that I'll never fucking reach it. I'm too sick in the head. I have too little control.

And it sounds like I'm whining but I can't express this feeling in any other way. I can't handle another yo-yo into the overweight. I can't handle the emotion of it. The way my back hurts and my clothes don't fit and I don't recognize my face, and I can't stand seeing my body in the mirror, even just looking down at myself. But, more than anything, it's that I feel like I can't do a goddamn thing to stop it. Like the sick part of my brain just woke up and it's ravenous, feeding on my peace and happiness.

I have a million coping mechanisms. I have a wonderful, partner but he doesn't really get it, or know how to help, and honestly it's not his job.

Where do you find the will? The power? I don't believe in god, so if that's where you find it, I'm glad for you, but it's not my path. I need help. You're all so amazingly kind and inspiring. Tell me how you fight your demons.

Thank you.

TLDR - I'm fucking struggling; eating disorders, relapsing after some healthy weight loss. Tell me how you continue to fight against the desperate beast within.

submitted by /u/Goila
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

New to Reddit and this sub, here's my weight loss story

Let me start off with my stats. My heaviest ever was 210 lbs, though I was about 200 when I first started actively losing weight. It's been about 5 months since then, and currently I'm 158 lbs, as of this morning. I'm 5'9, so I started out as obese for my height (something I would've denied if you asked me then), and I'm proud to finally be in a healthy weight range, for the first time since I was in elementary school (I'm 20 now).

I do 20:4 intermittent fasting, eat around 1500 calories a day with lots of protein, and my current workout schedule consists of 4 weight days of 45 minute sessions, 2 cardio days, one for HIIT sprints and one for running, and finally one rest day, when I also have a cheat meal to keep myself sane. When I started off I wasn't doing any cardio or intermittent fasting, but I was losing weight nonetheless.

I don't really have a goal weight, since I've already passed what was initially my goal but still have some stubborn fat left. I'm just going to keep dropping until I like how I look I guess, and then focus on gaining muscle.

Well now let me jump to why I made a Reddit account to join r/loseit. I've been overweight for most of my life and obese for most of high school and college, so that has really affected my self-esteem and confidence in general. As a result of this (among other things) I don't have too many friends, so I'm not exactly surrounded by people encouraging me in this journey. Of course I have my family and close friends, and they're very supportive and I'm thankful, but I don't have anyone that I can talk to about the struggles of being overweight or unhappy, or dealing with food cravings, or to share weight loss advice with. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm looking for a community to continue this journey with, and I hope I find that here!

Once again I'm new to Reddit so I'm not exactly sure how this works lol, but trying to figure it out. Feel free to leave any advice, or even ask for it if you're new to losing weight. Thanks if you read this far.

submitted by /u/tenamonth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice from a newbie. This helped me tremendously.

I started my weight loss journey on Sept 20, 2018. 5.5 weeks ago. In that time I have lost 35 lbs. 20 in the first 2 weeks. I am doing my own take on the KETO diet. Low carb, high fat, moderate prot. And I am doing great. I haven't had bread or pasta in this whole time, which is a milestone in and of itself because that was basically 100% of my diet before.

Here has been my major issue. I crave bread, pasta, soda, sweets, etc. So I came up with a possible psychological solution to this. And it boils down to this... it is a subconscious urge to rebel.

Here is my theory: Remember when you were younger and your parents or guardians told you "No"? Or said you cannot do something. This response only made you want to do it more. You wanted to do it simply because you were told you cannot. I feel the same subconscious urge to rebel applies to diets. Still following?

So, theoretically, if you are on a diet and tell yourself "I absolutely cannot, under any circumstances, have this soda", then you are going to crave it more. Because you cannot have it. Its human nature. However, if you tell yourself "I can have a diet soda if I want it, but I choose not to because I am on a diet" then you are giving yourself a choice and its your decision. So if you are in that mindset you are less likely to "rebel" against your own rules to have that soda.

In my experience in the past 5 weeks I have followed this mindset. Once a week I have a "cheat day" to have that piece of cake, or that candy bar. And on those cheat days I find myself not cheating. Because I don't want to. I have no true urge to. Its all a mindset and if you give yourself the choice to cheat (within reason) then, in my expierience, you won't cheat.

Again, theoretically, if you don't have the mindset of "I absolutely cannot eat that" then your less likely to eat it. It all boils down to a psychological mindset. And it has helped me tremendously. Maybe it won't help everyone, but give it a shot if you see yourself cheating a lot. It may be because you have a subconscious rebellious personality.

Anyway. That's all. Sorry for the long read. Hope it helps. Lets discuss it in the comments!

submitted by /u/Duck-Bodied-Platypus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Overcoming Grief: Small Victory

I was doing very well in my weight loss journey from July to August, but when my Grandpa passed away and I couldn’t continue being faithful to my diet/exercise routine.

Instead I slept 12 hours a day and laid in bed for the other 12, only getting up to do homework, shower, eat or use the restroom; occasionally going to class.

I regained 8lbs (3.6kg) from September to late October, which was completely devastating because that’s more than half of the weight I initially lost. I was very frustrated, but not surprised when I finally bit the bullet and decided I needed to weigh myself to get back on track.

I’ve been talking with a counselor per my mom’s request and it’s helped a lot. She’s motivated me to get back on my diet (which I’ve cheated on a little here and there) and since Oct. 24th I’ve lost 6lbs (2.7kg) of grief weight!

During this journey I have been through a lot of ups and downs (physically and metaphorical), but I’m really hoping this is the start of something real.

All I want is to be healthy, and have a healthy relationship with food. I’m feeling confident that I can do this, so that’s a start. I’m excited to see where this goes.

submitted by /u/Mildly_maria
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I decided to take a break from calorie counting and I feel like a weight has been lifted.

Backstory: I've flopped between 140lbs and 160lbs my entire adult life, usually hovering around in the 150s and just slightly unhappy with my jiggly belly.

I've been calorie counting on and off and trying different strategies to lose weight for the past 10+ years. I successfully dropped into the 130s for my wedding last May, but I've been slowly regaining since then.

It's been a constant struggle since I was a teen to reach my ideal weight. I usually do well for a while (sometimes up to a year) then backslide as I get more comfortable with my body.

I know all the science behind weight loss and I'm a wizard with a kitchen scale and have used it regularly for the past... 5 years? At least.

Anyway. I decided I needed a break from calorie counting, I just was struggling to find motivation to do it anymore.

While I'm regularly calorie counting, it doesn't feel like a big deal and even becomes second nature. I got used to bringing a notepad into the kitchen with me while I was making my meals to jot down the grams of each ingredient. My cooking process became so methodical without me realizing it.

Now that I've stepped away from the calorie counting, I feel a lot better. I made a pot of chili last night and didn't record one gram, one calorie. I just tasted it as I went, adding splashes and sprinkles of ingredients. I felt that joy of cooking again - that I hadn't felt in a long time. No math, no labels, no calories - just cooking.

So I've decided to try to shift into intuitive eating instead of calorie counting. I plan to control my calorie intake with intermittent fasting and following a generally healthy diet. If I don't lose weight after a few weeks, I'll narrow my eating window and/or add more low-calorie high-volumes to my meal.

I'd like to do actually this by feel, not math. I know it's totally backwards than what the subreddit suggests (and what I've told countless people!) but I feel actually normal again for the first time in a long time.

Anyway... I don't really have a point to this post, I just wanted to share with one of my favourite communities. Wish me luck!

submitted by /u/toxik0n
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Today I'm celebrating TIME

19F 5'6" SW:297 CW:266 GW1: 250
Started: August 19th, 2018
Current date: October 30th, 2018! (happy Early Halloween)

Today I'm celebrating TIME! I've officially been on my weight loss journey for over 10 weeks now! That's ~20% of a whole YEAR. I have never been this dedicated to losing weight before. It was like a switch clicked in me and I'm never turning around. I only weigh myself every two weeks so I don't get too obsessed with the scale. Last check in I hadn't lost as much as I wanted but this check in.... I KILLED IT!!!! 31lbs down all together. I'm over halfway to my first goal and starting to get closer to the weight my drivers license thinks I actually am!

I'm not posting pictures on r/progresspics yet though. I refuse to until it's extremely noticeable. It'll be my gift to myself when I lose the 50th pound. This sub has been so helpful, I truly believe without y'all I couldn't have made it (plus my wonderful accountability buddy u/baconystrips)

So... today! I'm reevaluating my goals. My first goal was to lose the weight as quick as I can to become "beautiful" NO. My new goal is to enjoy the process, learn better about how my hunger works, and feel confident. Yes, it will be nice to be skinny one day but for now, I'm happy. I love the gym, I've never once dreaded it. I enjoy eating healthy, I feel mentally clearer. And I feel like I have respect for myself. A new goal is to stop comparing my journey with others, which may be the hardest goal I've set for myself.

I would like to see more physical changes and reduction in clothing sizes but it'll soon come! I've just to keep pushing forward and soon the pants I'm wearing today will be slipping off my hips!

PS: I signed up for my first 5k in YEARS. It's on December 8th and I'm GOING. And I'm going to crush it, no matter what time I get.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope everyone has a wonderful and productive day!!!!!

submitted by /u/coyotea72
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Where to find motivation!

I felt I needed to write this post in response to another thread where the person was asking how to find the motivation to do the hard work of losing weight. I realized I did not buckle down and truly put in the hard work required to lose weight until a few things happened.

First let me tell you what didn't motivate me. I put on 40 lbs over 5 years due to stress, poor health and too many big life changes. Every year as the weight piled on I wanted to take back control. I was really uncomfortable in how I began to look, didn't motivate me. I started noticing that I looked so round in pictures, didn't motivate me, I just started avoiding cameras.

I started eating more and more and that full feeling brought me some comfort instead of scraring me...I could eat all day long and never felt satisfied...I knew I was the cause of my own weight gain, but I couldn't stop.

I used to be a runner, but now any kind of exercise felt like torture to my larger body, so I hated it.

I hated not being able to run, or exercise without wanting to die. I hated the pain from DOMS. I started really not liking exercise. I wondered how I ever liked it before.

The only thing that brought me peace was food...and I was supposed to give that up too!!!!

Medical problems began to develop, lots of pain and doctors telling me I needed to lose weight for some of the problem and it would help eliviate the pain...still did not motivate me.

The pain got worse, and the pain attacks got more frequent...I developed other issues in my body. I was able to get a surgery to remove one of my issues. I started feeling a bit better.

I went for a really long walk...and I wanted so badly to have my healthy body back, but why? Why did I want my healthy body back...I walked some more. I think I walked for days... slowly walking replace my need for food, walking was something I could do, it cleared my head, it helped me see why I wanted my healthy body back, I walk for long time, until everything in my body was stiff and hurting over and over I walked and then I began climbing, I climbed mountains, the feeling of overcoming those obstacles just gave me so much peace inside and that peace helped me see why I needed my healthy body.

I needed my healthy body because I was tired of existing, I wanted to live my life to the fullest again, find joy, find peace, find fulfillment.

Climbing hard mountains prepared me for this weight loss journey, climbing mountains poorly helped me see I wanted health more than I wanted food, climbing mountains was what I wanted.

I wish for you a journey that will show you what you're capable of, what the possibilities are, what your strengths are...I wish for you a journey that set your heart on fire for life!

When you get tired of existing and want to start living again is where you find the motivation of doing the hard work of getting your healthy body.

submitted by /u/Lavabelle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

You're not perfect, you don't need to be, forgive and move on to a better self. One step a at time 💪.

I've been around for a while here. I'm not an avid poster but I usually lurk everyday.

I've always been a perfectionist, and after long and lot of trial and error I've come to the realization that this is not the case for weight loss, or more important lifestyle change

For context. Obese all my life, came here in 2016 and went from 123kg to 91 ( 270lbs to 203 I think). Then life again took over.

After a really bad year I'm back at 113kg. And it's been months that I'm failing to start and keep going or just hating myself.

But that's not the answer. Things happen. For me it was finding love, getting a super stressful and time consuming job and having an injury that put me in bed for months. That all just happened and well, I realize now that could I have handled it better? Sure, could I have not gain weight and keep cruising? Absolutely. But all combined just took a toll on me and just couldn't carry on.

Thing is, time passes and there's no point in just beating myself like I've been doing. So I'm going to focus on one step back a a time. These past months going all in didn't work out so I'm taking a new approach.

Not perfection but improvmenetr of oneself.

I'm sorry this went on so long but I wanted to share something that just clicked a bit on me. If I can help even 1 person it's worth it.

If you're here thanks for reading and keep on doing what you're doing, just a little bit better everyday!

Tl;Dr life happens, don't beat yourself too hard and go all in. Improving a little bit every day is better than nothing.

submitted by /u/DV_G
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Your Ultimate Halloween Survival Guide

Few days on the calendar strike more fear in the heart than Halloween. And we’re not even talking about the houses of horror, haunted hayrides and people dressed like Freddy Krueger standing at our front door. No, Halloween presents a scary scenario for anybody on a weight loss program, because everywhere you’ll look the next few days, you’ll see candy and treats. And even when the candles in the jack-o-lanterns finally flicker out, the candy may still be around, thanks to enterprising trick-or-treaters who have stockpiled the stuff sufficiently to last to Christmas.

What’s a slimming body to do? Follow The Leaf’s 10-point Halloween Survival Guide. Each of the tips outlined below is designed to help you enjoy the holiday without going overboard with temptation.

1. Wait until October 31 to buy your trick-or-treat candy.
That way, you won’t hear voices calling from the kitchen cabinets saying, “Come on, just one choco-caramel bar won’t kill you!” Worried about not being able to find candy at such a late date? Seriously, have you been to a store lately? Everybody sells Halloween candy now. If for some reason you can’t find sweets, see point 2 below.

14 Reasons to Have (A Little!) Chocolate Today

Read More

2. Don’t give out candy.
We’ve found that the trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood love getting things beside candy: Try handing out pretzels, pencils. coins, water bottles or even tooth brushes. You’ll be amazed at the reception they get. Having a Halloween party? Try these 13 Healthy Halloween Recipes instead of the typical sweet treats.

3. Buy candy you don’t like.
It’s human nature to buy the kind of candy you’d like to eat. But if you have leftovers because you bought too much or too few kids showed up at your door, you’ll be staring at a big bowl of temptation. So if you love chocolate, get lollipops. Are you crazy for chewy or sour things but don’t care about chocolate? Then consider buying chocolate bars. And if you can, stay away from these Not-So-Sweet Halloween Candies to Avoid.

4. Go out with your kids, or walk around the neighborhood.
Turn trick-or-treat into a calorie-burning stroll. You can walk around the neighborhood to get some exercise, carrying the candy with you to hand out to the little goblins. Or, if you’re with your own kids, enjoy the crisp air and leave the candy for visitors on your stoop.

5 Ways to Beat Belly Fat

Read More

5. Send some candy to the troops.
Your kids will probably have so much candy that they won’t even want to eat it all. So consider sending some it as a care package to American troops. Operation Gratitude collects candy to use to prepare gifts for soldiers and sailors. Learn more about where to send your loot here.

6. Sell it to your dentist.
Many dentists now “buy” back candy by offering prizes or reduced fees on services to people who hand over their treats. Consider saving a small portion of the haul, then giving your dentist the rest. Bonus: Some of that candy you sell back may end up in the hands of soldiers. Find a participating dentist near you by clicking here.

7. Don’t go out hungry.
Trick-or-treating, or going to Halloween parties, is a lot like going grocery shopping. If you do it when you’re hungry, it’s much easier to go overboard. Have a salad or small meal before you go out so that you feel satisfied. That way you’ll be much less likely to give in to temptation.

6 Easy Ways to Lose Weight this Fall

Read More

8. Treat yourself.
Look, kids can’t have all the fun, and part of any successful weight loss program is balance. If you’re following a Nutrisystem plan, you can have up to 100 calories worth of “extras” in order to satisfy your sweet tooth. Feel like having a Snickers Fun Size? Go for it: you’ll be eating 80 calories. Better yet, check out some of these sweet swaps for typical Halloween hankerings.

9. Think small pieces.
Everybody wants to be the house that draws the big crowds by giving out king size candy bars. But you’re not doing anybody any favors by giving out huge pieces of candy. For most kids, the fun of the Halloween lies in the hunt, so be sure to hand out the small stuff. Their parents will thank you.

10. Read the labels.
You may think you’re doing everyone a favor by giving out gummy treats called fruit snacks, but be sure to read ingredient labels should you decide to go that route and look for the total amount of sugars such things deliver. One serving could pack more sugar than a candy bar.


The post Your Ultimate Halloween Survival Guide appeared first on The Leaf.

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