Wednesday, November 7, 2018

250 lbs lost between two friends (she has lost 150 with calorie restriction and the help of bariatric surgery, I've lost 100 with keto) And neither of us are done yet!

First, the photo!

We are friends who met when I did an empowerment boudoir photoshoot for her when she was at her heaviest. We quickly became friends, and of course bonded over our strong belief that we all deserve to feel beautiful and love ourselves regardless of what size we are.

It was this ability to learn to love ourselves that allowed us both to finally begin our weight loss journeys.

The first of the two photos wasn't when we were both at our high weights, but neither of us were far off at that point.

For her, it was about being comfortable in her own skin that gave her the strength to finally be able to focus on her goals without feeling bad about her slip ups. It was seeing herself as beautiful, despite being a size 22, that allowed her to love herself.

For me, it was about finally getting to a point where I was tired of living with back pain every morning, and the constant worry about leaving behind my two young kids if I were to die prematurely. It was about learning to love myself and be happy in my life, despite my divorce a year and a half prior to starting my weight loss journey.

I inspired her to love herself, and she inspired me to make a change in my life. I wouldn't be where I am today without her, and she wouldn't be where she is today without me. Our love and acceptance for one another has helped both of us love and accept ourselves.

We still have a ways to go (she's fairly close to her goal, while I've got another 75 lbs to go), but we're getting there, and every time we see one another we are so proud of each other's progress, both physically and emotionally.

Here's to friends and weight loss and love and acceptance and empowerment and a life long journey of growth!

submitted by /u/filmgeekvt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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