Monday, November 12, 2018

3 Things I've Learned while Losing 40 Pounds (not done yet, though!)

Some tips I've learned during my weight loss journey that I wanted to share with the world (down 40 pounds, but the goal is 65. Regardless, I want to help anyone I can):

  1. There are no shortcuts to success. I learned this one the hard way. You probably hear this phrase all the time, and it probably means very little to you. It didn't mean much to me, just an empty motivational quote that you hear from football coaches. I still thought that there was some way I could lose my weight without hitting the gym and changing my life choices. There had to be a quick fix. I spent a large majority of my teen years believing some magic pill could drop my fat. I was not willing or ready to put in the work. Then, I thought as long as I went to the gym 4-5 times a week, I'd drop weight. I did, but I quickly hit a plateau, and felt like I was back to square one. Only after making an effort to go to the gym every day, as well as a drastic change in my eating habits, did I start seeing results again. In the end, there isn't, and if you are not willing to put in the work every. single. day to better yourself, then in my opinion, you're lying to yourself about your hopes and dreams for weight loss. You can't do this thing quickly, and I believe that to be true for fad diets as well.

  2. "There are a million reasons not to do something." - Jan Levinson-Gould... There really are. Think about the gym, for example. "I can't go today because..." you don't feel that great today, that there's something else you need to do... In the end, if you want to make something happen, you have to make an effort to push excuses aside. Go to the gym when you don't feel 100% (I'm not saying go to the gym while you're sick with the flu or something, but "I'm tired" is not an excuse), or change your plans so you can get in a workout. You'll feel much better if you make it there and have even just an okay workout as opposed to not going at all. Eating and dieting is another one. "I'll start tomorrow" is just as big of an excuse as any in my eyes! What is going to change from today to tomorrow if the importance of your goal is so flimsy? If losing weight is important to you, it's time to stop making excuses.

  3. I love the Serenity Prayer. For the purpose of this, I will remove religious elements, but it goes, "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." I think this quote can be applied to many different aspects of life, but especially in terms of weight loss. Focus on the things you can control, like working out, making good food choices, and not your appearance, or the number on the scale. Those things are up to your body functioning the way it's intended to. You need to do your part, and realize that things will come in time.

These are just three things I've learned... Feel like I can go on for days. I just want to help people (it's just in my nature given my profession) reach and achieve their goals. Anyone needing additional guidance and advice, please feel free to message me. I'll do my best to help in any way I can.

submitted by /u/Nardwuarr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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