Monday, November 5, 2018

F/25, 5'6", SW: 230.8 lb, anyone with similar stats?

Hey everyone! My co-workers started a 3-month weight loss challenge this past Tuesday and I joined the bandwagon. My goal is to lose weight steadily and eat healthier. So far I've done just a few things:

  • Cut soda and juice out (I was up to 1-2 sodas/day)
  • No more fast food (Subway, Panera ok)
  • Be more aware of what I eat (starting to use MFP)
  • Try to get to the gym 2-3 times/week with my friend

I live a very stressful life working full-time at an emergency animal hospital and going to school full-time for my Biology degree. As a non-traditional student, I basically run from school to work and don't give myself time to eat healthy. My biggest hurdle is HUNGER. It knaws at me constantly and it's very distracting. I also have little to no idea what I'm doing at the gym and I'm very anxious about asking for help in person... any tips would be much appreciated!! Thank you :)

submitted by /u/junelove93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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