Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Help Please! 26F And Gained ~100lbs in 8 years.

Hey guys.

So I am in need of some desperate help in losing weight.

Just a bit of backstory about my body issues/weight loss issues.

In high school I always thought I was fat. I had bigger boobs than all of my friends, stood anywhere from a solid 1ft to 6 inches taller than them, and carried my weight differently. I worked out almost every day, played 3 different sports, and ate whatever I wanted not thinking about it. Once I graduated, I moved away from home, and gained almost 50 lbs immediately. I tried really hard to get it off, but my food/dieting was never right. I also wasn't working out nearly as much/as hard as I was in high school.

In roughly the past 8 years, I have gained almost, if not more than, a 100 lbs. My biggest problem is food though. I know I need to change my eating habits, but when I start doing it, I get super overwhelmed, and just revert back to my old eating habits.

If anyone has any advice on where to start, or the best ways to make a difference please let me know. I need to get this weight off because it is starting to effect not just my body image issues, but my health. I am tired all the time, my joints ache more than they normally would (2 shoulder reconstructions, torn ligaments in both ankles, and arthritis), and my anxiety disorder has worsened.


I was fit in high school, gained a lot of weight after, get overwhelmed when trying to completely change eating habits.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/dfwyyc22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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