Monday, November 19, 2018

I hope you're happy r/loseit

I've lost 64 pounds now thanks to your help. It's been such a positive thing in my life. My knees hurt less, my clothes don't fit, all the wonderful benefits of weight loss. My journey is much like the ones I've read on here, I realised I was deluding myself into thinking a BMI of 42 was okay, then I finally decided to change. I had to learn how to really lose weight, what was actually going to work and had the science to prove it.

I found r/loseit and read stories of people in all stages of their weight loss. I kept reading stories about people's co-workers giving them bad feedback and advice and realized that many of them were in the place I was in before I started, deluded, thinking the only way to lose weight was with gastric bypass or coming to Jesus. After reading these stories I decided I was going to actually try to educate those who ask me sincere questions. People ask, "have you been working out?" And I answer honestly, "No, I've done it all with diet. Working out isn't my thing." People try to give me the, "I have a slow metabolism," I tell them that metabolism can be slowed with age, but by calculating your TDEE you can figure out how many calories to be eating a day to gain, maintain, or lose weight. It's all just basic math."

I try to be respectful of people no matter where they are in their journey because I know I started there. Seeing that someone in your life, even just a co-worker can go from being morbidly obese to being just plain obese may be just the motivation they need to start. I feel like I'm trying to get people to convert to my religion, and I feel icky about that, but when I've got 64 pounds of proof that this works, I can only try to help others the way you all have helped me. Thank you for reading!

submitted by /u/Madmae16
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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