Monday, November 19, 2018

I was asked why I still have a lot of weight to lose

And holy crap, does it have me feeling inadequate. Happened right here on this sub, believe it or not.

I posted last night about how it's hard for me to get back on the wagon after I've eaten something unhealthy. A few hours ago, someone commented and we went back and forth about semantics and what it means to "fail." I was asked "If you haven't failed, why do you still have a substantial amount of weight to lose?"

It's taken me forever to learn to be patient and accept that healthy weight loss takes time. For the first couple of months, it always felt like I was racing against an invisible clock, and I fought like hell to break that mentality. And once I did, it felt like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. I felt like I could actually embrace the journey for what it was, with all the difficulties and triumphs that came with it.

But just that one question has honestly ruined my night. I can't stop criticizing and asking myself why I've only lost 38 pounds instead of 45 or 50? I keep comparing myself to progress pics to see how long it took other people to lose the same amount of weight I have so far. And instead of looking at myself in the mirror after my shower tonight feeling proud of how far I've come and liking what I saw, I just felt disappointed to see how fat I still am and was overwhelmed to know how much farther I have to go until I meet my ultimate goal. It all feels like I'm racing against that invisible clock again. I'm back to wondering what I can do to speed up my progress and wondering if I should try keto to kick things up a notch.

Not to be dramatic, but this is the most helpless I've felt since May, and it sucks to realize just how easily someone's words can impact the way I view myself. It's embarrassing.

submitted by /u/corksncoffee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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