Friday, November 9, 2018

I'm stuck and need opinions or guidance cw:305 gw:240

Alright here we go, so I am a former college football player with 4 solid year of lifting experience I was about 240 when I was told to put on weight to play the position my coaches wanted me to play I put on about 10-15 solid pounds of muscle and the rest was fat. Now that i am done with football I am struggling to get rid of the weight. As of a week and a half ago I started a new lifting routine, with weights and cardio at the end more details will be at the bottom of the post. I also have been changing up my diet. I even started intermittent fasting and my hunger is going down as I eat my calories between 5:30-8:00. My recommended TDEE was about 2450 and i lowered my daily intake to 1500-1800 never going over the 1800. After about 12 days so far my weight has gone no where and is really discouraging even going up and now I'm sitting at my starting weight again. My bloating has gone down, but my goal is weight loss and muscle retention if possible I have a trip to Cancun coming up and the activities have weight limits and I would feel awful if I missed out because of my weight. Any advice, comments, or general encouragement is welcomed and thank you for your time

My work out routine is 2 heavy lifting days with lower reps and sets of 2 or 3 with 20 minutes of highest incline treadmill at the end. Then a rest day, followed by 3 days of lower weight high rep days with short rest periods to keep the heart rate up and a HIIT session at the end.

submitted by /u/Brycostello54
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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