Thursday, November 15, 2018

SV - Half way!

First proper post here but long time lurker. TLDR: Lost 5 stone (70lbs/31kg)

Started losing at 25 stone(350lbs/158kg) on 1st Jan 2016, no real seismic event prompted it, I just realised either I got off my arse now or stayed a fat mess for the rest of my reduced life. I injured my knee playing rugby in my teens and that just snowballed into eating like a pig and avoiding exercise like the plague with my knee as an excuse.

Beginning with joining a gym and not stuffing my face, nothing too crazy, as every time I've tried to lose weight prior I've done too much too soon, set my knee off and failed. Walking on the treadmill, and doing some weightlifting, always enjoyed weights when I played rugby so I think that also helped. Made a bit of progress, lost a stone and a half, but results started to slow, and eventually plateau.

CICO with MyFitnessPal was the difference.

I know for some people (and me now) this is obvious, but honestly, I had no real idea how many calories some things contained. I knew about calories etc, don't get me wrong, but I was wilfully ignorant. Macros? Only macro I cared about was on World of Warcraft for stance dancing my Warrior xD

I know you hear people say you cant outrun a bad diet, and they are 100% correct. I alternate between 1800 cals on a rest day and 2000 cals on gym days. If I am genuinely hungry, I eat. I don't beat myself up, I don't have junk food, I will just have something healthy and/or a protein shake. I do have cheat days, but these are reducing in frequency, I find I enjoy 'bad' food less and less, and regret tanking my gains more than I enjoy eating. Never been a home drinker anyway so luckily didn't have to deal with this, but if I go out with friends, I don't count cals, I just jump back on the horse the day after.

I use a fitbit for the gym to track my heart rate and my actual workouts, I have hit the point where I genuinely look forward to going (apart from leg day, my knee still grumbles even though I know I've strengthened it), and I am now focusing more on the weightlifting than just losing weight, doing a proper split, focusing on my macros as well as calories, and even using a little a7 notebook to track weights and sets. I know I will have saggy skin, but if i can reduce it with a combo of moisturising and building muscle it's worth a go.

I'm about to hit 30. I have spent the last few months really cracking down to get under 20 stone so I can start my 30's 'right', and I've now hit it. Anyone just starting, or thinking about starting, its not a race, its a marathon. You have to change how you view food, fight the mental battle with your inner fat person, and just stick to it. It's worth it!

Biggest thing for me though, you have to do it for yourself. Sure its nice when people notice your body changing, its great to hit those milestones, but if you can walk out of the gym and know you've put a shift in, that's what matters. If you expect everyone to be happy for you, you will be disappointed. There may be people that don't give a shit, there may even be people who want you to fail. Fuck these people, cut them out if you can, ignore them if you can't.

My target at the moment is 15 stone, this may get reevaluated closer to the time, but for now I'm gonna try to slow the weight loss down a bit, build some muscle, and give my skin chance to catch up haha.

Appreciate all the people in this sub, I might not post much, but its nice to see other people succeeding, its really motivating.

If you read this far, thanks!


Link for progress pics between march 17 and nov 18

submitted by /u/chris251188
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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