Friday, November 2, 2018

[SV & NSV] Yesterday I saw a photo of myself in a Facebook memory and I couldn't believe it was actually me. This happened on the same day that I became a healthy weight for the first time in over 13 years. (X-Post /r/progresspics)

The Progress Photos

Yesterday was the first time since starting my "weight loss journey" that I saw an old photo and literally didn't recognize myself. The photo on the left was taken at a Halloween party on October 31st 2015, when I was 18 years old and about 5 pounds short of my worst ever weight; 250 pounds. When it popped up in my Facebook memories yesterday I was in literal shock. I had no idea that I had ever looked like that, but it made me realize just how far I have come since realizing I had to make a change.

There are so few photos from that time period that show anything other than my face (so few photos at all, actually) because of how absolutely ashamed I was of my body. I took no pride in myself, I had zero confidence whatsoever, and I was eating my stress away on a daily basis. I tried to lose weight in 2016, got 30lbs down, but gained all of it back within a few months of "falling off the wagon." In March of this year, I made the decision to change for good. Partially on my own accord, partially inspired by my Mother becoming a vegan and my younger Sister beginning (and completing) an incredibly admirable weight loss journey of her own. I started counting my calories religiously, getting outside more, walking home from work 45 mins a day, and heavily reduced the frequency in which I was eating out. Thanks to my roommate, I started working out regularly after I couldn't deal with him pushing me to do it anymore. This was shortly after we moved in together, and he has been a huge motivator for me and my progress since the beginning and I am incredibly thankful for it.

Also thanks to him, at the beginning of October I also switched to a ketogenic diet that is working super well for me. The photo on the right was taken last night, on November 1st, 2018, just over 3 years to the day since the first photo was taken. As of today I am incredibly proud to say I am exactly 70lbs down from where I started at in March (246 pounds) and am officially, within a healthy weight range for the first time in over 13 years. I originally didn't want to post a "before-after" photo until I had gotten all of the weight off, but seeing the difference was too much for me to ignore today, and officially having a BMI of 24.9 made me feel incredible. I still have a little left to go before I reincorporate carbs into my diet and try to bulk up some muscle over the next few months, but I made it. I have done something I once thought I never would.

"Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most." Thank you to the redditor who commented that on some random post I can't remember a few months back. I wish I knew who you were, because that little mantra has done absolutely everything for me in my hardest moments. As always, shoutout to r/loseit for everything you guys have done for me as well. This community is really freakin cool man. Keep doing what you're doing *fist bump*

submitted by /u/XViMusic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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