Wednesday, November 21, 2018

[tip] A compilation of the eating habits of my naturally skinny friends

I personally know a number of consistently skinny people, and a lot of them believe they have a large appetite, that they love snacks, and that they will never gain weight no matter how much they eat. When I am with them, I do see them indulging in pizzas, fried chicken, and ice cream during outings. However over time, I have observed the following (peculiar) actions of theirs.

  1. If something is not nice, they would not touch it, AT ALL. We order curry chicken, turns out a bit dry. It is still well flavoured, so I continue to eat it, because wasting food and money right?! My skinny friend? Takes a bite, doesn't like it, never reaches for it again.
  2. Reaching satisfaction with actually palatable food. Our boss brings a tin of cookies and we all take one. It is so buttery and my pretentious healthy self thinks "This is sooo great but too fattening for another one." Skinny colleague? Takes two more happily and goes back to her desk. Me? Can not stop thinking about those cookies, buys a whole tin for myself the next day.
  3. Vigorous portion controlling 2am, room mate complains she's starving. She opens a pack of chips and offers us some. I refuse because eating at night is a sin!! She chews on two chips. two. Closes bag. Goes back to sleep. EXCUSE ME??? WEREN'T YOU HUNGRY??? I feel like this one might hit home for many. If i buy a medium bag I will eat it all, same if I buy a large bag. Closing it for next time is extremely difficult. Even if I closed it, I will continuously think about it until my hand involuntarily reaches for it again... I ordered the same thing with another skinny friend and we both really enjoyed it. The difference was that I stuffed my face while he left so much of it. His reason? That he felt like he had the right amount, and eating more would be detrimental to his desire to eat it another time, because he wants to eat it again in the future. What..... cannot relate but ok lol
  4. They really balance their total calories either intentionally or their body just naturally tells them to Another skinny friend really likes Asian bubble tea. If you're not familiar, the thing is PACKED with carbs! The milk, the sugar, and the starchy tapioca pearls. How does skinny friend drink this you may ask? She sips it. For a whole day. Then puts it in the fridge to finish the next day. Oh and did I mention she does not eat anything else for these two days? NOTHING. Like I mentioned before, we see skinny people eat unhealthy things, and possibly a lot of it. What we don't see is that they won't eat anything else at night or even the entire next day. Because they feel put off by all the grease they have ingested and need to recover.
  5. Eating speed is significantly lower I watched a skinny friend eat and noticed that they chewed at least 50 times before they swallowed. I tried this and the food disappeared from my mouth before I got to 20 ???? ... This gives time for satiety hormones to reach the brain and guide you on when to stop eating. Another skinny friend is an absolute sweetheart and she is such a chatterbox during mealtimes. Most of us have no problem eating while chatting, but skinny friend cannot seem to remember she has food in front of her when she's talking about something. By the time we are done she's eaten maybe 20% of it and no longer wants any.
  6. Might not care about food that much One skinny mate. Only eats to prevent dying. Thinks eating disturbs his flow, and calls it a chore. Would take it if he could live on an IV bag if it meant he didn't have to eat anymore.

A self reflection moment: I went to visit my skinny friend who was breastfeeding, and I asked her if her baby would feel bloated from drinking so much. She explained that the baby would stop when it gets full. This left such an impression on me because even babies know when to stop, it's just human nature, yet here I am, a mature adult, unable to grasp this simple concept!

TLDR; All/some skinny people -claim to eat a lot, most likely don't. -really listen to their body -don't really see eating as important -are living our "diets" as their LIFE

I'm not saying these people are necessarily healthy, a good half of them have gastric and absorption problems in fact which tortures them. Aren't we lucky to be able to go through basic food processing without pain? Thanks powerful digestive system! But anyway, the point of my post was just to let more of us know what is inside the heads of some skinny individuals, despite how much we may not be able to understand it. Everything has a reason. It's not just "fast metabolism". We may be programmed differently, but genetic makeup DOES NOT ACCOUNT FOR 100%. Never give up the weight loss journey!

submitted by /u/pancaketoo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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