Monday, November 12, 2018

Weight Loss Story: I lost 43 kgs in 6 months WITHOUT any workout!

Sure, losing weight is about the right mix of a balanced diet and working out, but for Jai, who could easily eat up to 2000 calories in a single meal, it was about altering his diet. His weight touched a whopping 136 kilos and he started to feel ashamed of the way he looked and then, he changed things for the better, merely by tweaking his diet. He lost 43 kilos in just 6 months by going into a calorie-deficit mode. He shares his inspirational story with us.

Name: Jai Khanna

Occupation: Interior Design Student at Amity University

Age: 19

Highest weight recorded: 136 kilos

Weight lost: 43 kilos

Duration it took me to lose weight: Almost 6 months

The turning point: I had a wedding in my family of one of my close relatives. I was left with a tussle in my mind – I really wanted to go and have fun but I was embarrassed of the way I looked back then. The worst part about weight is that it pulls your self-confidence down and at 136 kilos, I was ashamed of how I looked. And so, I missed the wedding. That’s when I promised myself that I will not remain like this.

My Diet: According to an ebook.

My workout: I didn’t workout at all. My weight loss was only a result of dieting and nothing else. My problem was that my calorie intake was a lot more than recommended and the challenge was to control that.

Fitness secrets I unveiled: Being in a calorie deficit is the key to lose weight. You can eat whatever you want as long as you’re in a caloric deficit. I followed an extremely flexible diet and had a lot of cheat days. However, my determination to change my appearance kept me going.

How do I stay motivated?
The only thing that kept me motivated is the fact that I wanted to change myself. I didn’t want to remain a fat kid I used to look like before.

How do you ensure you don’t lose focus?
Personally, the only thing that helped me stay focused is the fact that I used to constantly watch a lot of fitness videos on YouTube and also, I wanted to change myself and my looks.

What’s the most difficult part of being overweight?
The most difficult part of being overweight is not finding clothes that fit you properly. Besides that, you are panting just after a minute of exertion. No one likes to be that way.

What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line?
I don’t have particular vision for myself but I expect myself to be fit and healthy and also motivate others to do so.

What are the lifestyle changes you made?
Weight loss is all about lifestyle change. I was the kind of person who could eat around 2000 calories in a single sitting. But after realising what I was doing to my body, I started counting calories. Counting my calorie intake is what actually what made me realise that I’m harming my body. However, I started reducing my calorie intake only gradually.

What was the lowest point for you?

The lowest point for me was when others demotivated me in my weight loss journey and not seeing expected results even after working hard towards myself.

Lessons learnt from weight loss: Never give up, learn from your mistakes, love your body no matter what, always try to improve yourself and you’re bigger than our fears!

submitted by /u/iamNVee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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