Saturday, December 1, 2018

Going to the gym and not doing cardio

Hi guys, I don't think I have ever posted in here before. I signed up with Weight Watchers last August and it has proven to be a very effective and dumbed down way for me to track my calories and macros without feeling overwhelmed by too many numbers on nutrition labels.

I've spent a lot of my life yo-yoing back and forth between losing 30-35 pounds and gaining it all back and some consistently. I genuinely feel a change in my overall mindset and I truly think this will be the time where I make a significant change in my diet and health overall.

I am currently a couple pounds away from being nearly 40 pounds down since August just by making a change in my diet through Weight Watchers. I'm a 6'0 now 275 pound male. The main difference that I've noticed this time as opposed to every other time I've tried to lose weight is that this time I am not going to the gym at all. I learned through my last attempt a couple years ago that I do genuinely love going to the gym to lift, however I absolutely despise cardio and it has been the reason every single time that my progress halts and I essentially relapse and gain the weight back again. I would go to the gym, absolutely obsess over cardio and would push myself too hard and do cardio for too long, and then naturally I would get burnt out and feel like a failure, kick myself while I'm down, and just turn back to food for comfort.

I've always looked at weight loss in three different ways. Diet, cardio, and weight training. I think I really do have the diet down, because I have conditioned myself so well now to make healthier decisions and especially when it comes to portion sizes. This of course has been an ongoing change I've made in my life the past year or two, but I'm focusing even heavier on it now that I want to lose and maintain a 100 pound weight loss.

Now, of course a problem I'm going to run into with just focusing on the diet aspect of weight loss is that I'm hitting a plateau. I do know a good way to help push through the plateau is to start weight training to gain muscle mass to help lose the weight more efficiently. However, I don't want to jump right back into cardio at the gym because I need to find a healthier way for me to do cardio without obsessing over it at the gym to avoid a relapse. Essentially, I'm just asking if there is any reason why I should or should not go to the gym just for weight training and skipping over cardio. Will there be any negatives that come out of going to the gym focusing solely on lifting and ignoring cardio at the gym all together?

submitted by /u/Nuslerosh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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