Monday, December 10, 2018

Slow Burn: 5'10 260lbs to 168lbs Pounds In 2 1/2 Years No Gimmicks No Excuses

Hopefully my most essential goals and tips can help somebody jump-start their progress.

I didn't realize I was 260 pounds. Why would I need to weigh myself? I graduated high-school at a semi-healthy 180 pounds, how heavy could I be?

After a photo was posted of my on my 21st birthday I knew I had to buy a new scale and weigh myself the next day (thanks Amazon Prime.) This is my Progress (Shirtless photos at the bottom to show remaining loose skin) from that 260lb weigh in 2 1/2 years ago until today.

260 to 210

The bulk of my weight slid off in the first year. My number one goal was to drink 2 full 32OZ water bottles everyday. No matter where I was, what I was doing, or who I was with I was drinking 64 ounces of water every day. This cut down on my liquid calorie intake drastically which was key in getting myself down to 200 pounds.

I did very limited exercising, meal planning and calorie counting during my first 50 pound drop. I just told myself to drink more water, beer was OK on weekends in small amounts and don't overdo it on the fast food. The water ended up filling myself up to a certain point where it eliminated carbs without me knowing.

64 ounces of water per day limited my liquid calorie intake and carb intake without me knowing . -50 pounds

210 to 180

My 30 pound drop to 180 from 200 was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. The goal this time was to play on the company basketball team. I couldn't run for extended periods of time, I just didn't have the stamina to play more than 10 minutes a game. This required me to start burning fat and gain some endurance.

My main key to fat loss was Low Intensity Steady State Cardio. 30 minutes on the treadmill 4-5 times a week on 10 incline 3.5 speed. Just enough to get your heart pumping and struggle talking, but not enough for you to want to give up. I knocked out Netflix shows doing this. After 2 weeks it was business as usual, normally burning 300-400 calories in 30 minutes. Before I knew it I could be on the floor 25-30 mins before getting tired.

Low Intensity Steady State Cardio 30 minutes 4x/week combined with counting calories @ ~1700/day got me down to 180, twice as hard as initial 60 pound burn. (Gallon of water per day as well. avg'd 6 pts/game. ) -30 pounds.

180 to 168

The ongoing goal is to get rid of loose fat and loose skin. I'm going to the gym consistently 4 days a week on the Strong Lifts program. Very simply its a 5 exercise program with 5 sets of 5 reps per exercise, doing 3 exercises per session. The program alternates each session. (Squat, Bench, Bent-Over Row, Dead-lift, Overhead Press). Having lifting goals has replaced my goal of losing weight, since I would like to maintain 170 pounds and just cut down on fat. My favorite thing about this lifting program is that I have a crystal clear schedule as soon as I set foot into the gym.

Lifting 4 days a week, My Fitness Pal Planning, and 1-2 gallons of water a day was my essential plan. -12 pounds 13% bodyfat

The only real demoralizing thing has been the loose skin on my stomach. I'm still trying to get over the fact that it probably will never go away. As of right now I chalk it up to battle-scars and a reminder of what I have gone through. I left off some unimportant details, but I hope that at-least one person can pick something up from my slow weight loss process. Lay your foundation, stick to your goals, and don't rush it. Finding someone that can keep you accountable is a major bonus that most people don't have the luxury of, so use it if you have it

submitted by /u/mode_redditor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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