Friday, December 21, 2018

Thanks for taking the time folks

So let me begin by thanking everyone out there for being supportive to those out there trying to shed those extra pounds/kg. And to those of you who are posting your success stories to help show everyone that it can be done.

This is my mildly successful story, as its on going, and not a huge thing at the moment.

I decided i wanted to drop some weight about 3 weeks ago, i have a full gym and shower set up here at work, and every morning i use the shower facilities here because i get to work early to avoid traffic and get an early start on my day. When i first started here 2 years ago, i went to the gym almost every morning for about 6 months or so, but didn't really lose anything. At the time, i saw the gym as a means to allow myself to continue with my terrible eating habits, a red bull and some form of king size chocolate in the morning, some form of deli sandwich in the afternoon, generally a buffalo chicken sandwich with bacon tomato and blue cheese, and then whatever fat nasty struck a chord for dinner. I work part time at a pizzeria in the evenings and it being a family place, and having a great relationship with the owners and the cooks, i got free, HUGE portions for free every night. So pizza, steak and cheeses, chicken tenders, you name it, i ate it.

i stopped going to the gym around my 6 month mark, I'm sure something mildly inconvenient came up that disrupted my gym schedule, and its just a huge pain in the ass to start getting back up at 5am when you are getting home from work at 10 almost every night.

well, 3 weeks ago, i got on the scale every morning like i do before my shower, and for a week straight i saw the numbers increase by almost a pound and a half each day. by Friday it was 198. I'm 6'0", so that isn't obese or anything, but i am overweight, mostly in the stomach. Typical dad bod really. But i did not like how fast it went up. Not sure what other than that struck me, but i decided that was that and i was going to drop some of this weight. I have 2 kids, and i wanted to have kids early in life, i did, first at 24, second at 26. The idea being, ill be a relatively young man when they have kids and ill actually be able to hang out with my kids in their 20s, and be more than an old man who cant do much for my grand kids.

well that's a fine and dandy age wise right now, but not if i treat myself like a food dumpster for the next 20 or so years. Being alive during the time isn't the only part of that goal, actually interacting in a way more than sitting around in the chair is what i want.

As it stands, I've hit the gym every day aside from 2, due to needing to work at another location those days that doesn't have a gym. I've changed my diet as well, since i learned early on from experience, that working out, unless its stupid intense, is not enough to actually lose the weight. I know its everywhere on the internet that weight loss is more about diet than exercise, but some of us learn from experience more than words.

to begin, i haven't started eating all great foods, but i have cut out some of the crappier things in my life, no more candy and red bull for breakfast, its now a yogurt and a banana, lunch is general some form of meat, same with dinner. I might have a slice every week, but that's mostly cut out. And my portions are in control. I'm not eating until i feel like bursting. and water, I've been pounding it, and cut soda out of my life at this point. Which i think was a huge factor, since i could drink it free from the fountain at the pizzeria.

I feel different for sure, not sure i feel "good", because I've been in a near constant state of mild hunger, but I'm pretty sure that's sugar withdrawal. but i also don't feel bad, or drained or anything.

It gets easier daily to wake up for the gym.

Sorry for the long rant, I wanted to get it out there, but I'm not really talking about it with my family because i don't want to jinx it really. I'm just taking it day by day.

SW: 198 lbs CW: 189.8 lbs GW: 175 lbs

submitted by /u/I_Have_A_Chode
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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