Monday, December 3, 2018

Those of you who have lost a significant amount of weight, do you feel that you are treat overall better by people?

I think this is an interesting topic to discuss.

I've read many weight loss testimonials on this site which echo the sentiment about how much better they were treat after they achieved their goal weight. But what mainstream Reddit interprets this as is actually a mental change (such as confidence) rather than a physical change which is influencing the people they interact with to be more pleasant.

How many of you agree with that statement?

I believe their are many of us who identify as very confident people already. I may be unhappy with how I look, but I've lived in this body long enough to embrace what I currently have so that I can work towards my physical goals. As a university student I have seen first hand how attractiveness can be a boon, especially in social situations like parties and hearing people echo the 'confidence is key' manta becomes irritating after a while. That is not to say that confidence is not extremely important, but to deny that physical attractiveness has no play within this area is blasphemous.

I think that many people are reluctant to really accept that physical appearance is very large factor in how people perceive you and treat you. Especially if you're just meeting them for the first time. This is probably because of the negative connotations surrounding the idea of a society that runs on vanity and appearance. But that's not something we can necessarily escape. We all have an innate 'health-bias' because of the 100,000 years where we had to surround ourselves with capable hunter-gatherers and worthwhile mates in an effort to survive. It's less of a society-produced effect and more of an innate function of our psychology.

What are your thoughts?

submitted by /u/VincentOfEngland
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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