Sunday, March 1, 2020

IBS completely taking away my quality of life, I need help

Disclaimer: This is about Irritable Bowel Syndrome, if you don't want to hear about such things, don't continue reading please!

For those who are reading, already a big thanks to you!

Let's start from the beginning: For as long as I can remember, I have always had a very slow digestion. Maybe one bowel movement every two days, sometimes more, most of the times less. According to my mom, as a baby I would have maybe one bowel movement a week.

By some miracle, even though for most of my life I have been eating literal tons of food, for a few years eating fast food at least two times a day and in quantities that I find absolutely repulsive nowadays, I never even dipped into an overweight BMI. My mom puts it down to me being a bad food converter, which might be true, I really don't know.

However, I have always felt that maybe losing a few pounds would do me some good when it comes to aesthetics and so I have started to just eat more mindfully. I used to count calories, but it only led me into a binge cycle so I have found that eating mindfully still leads to weight loss for me without the binging and restricting part.

The big problem is: I eat when I am anxious and for a few months now, my bowel movements have pretty much gone down to 0. Absolutely nothing, nada. I don't feel like I am constipated, but not having any bowel movements is obviously not healthy and its a constant thought on my mind that causes me a lot of stress and anxiety. My doctor just gave me a bunch of strong laxatives that I use whenever I don't experience a bowel movement in more than 3 or 4 days. For the past few weeks, the only way I could have any sort of bowel movement was through laxatives, but I can feel my body adjusting and I don't want to up the dosage at all, as it causes a lot of pain and discomfort.

It's horrible. I have to plan my days around using laxatives, I am constantly anxious which drives me to eat and so on, it's a vicious cycle. I have tried to adjust my diet, it's a lot healthier now and includes at least one veggie at every meal (except breakfast), my portions are really big in volume and I eat until I feel full.

What more could I do? At first, overeating at least had the pleasant side effect of inducing a bowel movement, but not anymore. I have a doctors appointment as soon as I am back home in a few weeks, but what could I do until then? I really don't want to visit a doctor in the country I live in right now, because of the hassle with international insurance and the fact that I don't yet 100% speak the language and I don't want to drag my boyfriend around as a translator for such things.

Any tips, own experiences or whatever would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/ToughCookie00
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