Thursday, December 3, 2020

60 lb weight loss - my story, and BIGGEST tip

Hi all! Long time lurker - first real post. Ever since I can remember, I yo-yo'd with my weight. I grew up in a very pro-diet culture family and always watched my Mom swing from diet to diet, gaining and losing tons of weight. When I got to college, I started my yo-yo adventure.

I would gain and lose 30-40 lbs at a time, QUICKLY. I would restrict my calories like crazy, be lethargic and cranky all day, and hate my life. I didn't care. Just wanted to get the weight off. Then I would inevitably snap, binge, gain all the weight back plus more. I repeated that cycle SO many times, always promising myself it was the last time and that I would do things "correctly" next time.

Fast forward to a couple years ago when I finally realized that I couldn't keep going on like that. I decided to lose the weight reasonably, with a calorie deficit that was big enough to make a difference but not SO big that I would binge. I would say it was a much harder approach than the extremes I was used to, but I know now that it's the only way to do it if you want it to last.

Just wanted to share a little success story from an ex yo-yo dieter! Do you guys struggle with going back and forth in your weight?

submitted by /u/muscleandmentality
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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