Hi there everyone, I am a 22 year old male, 175cm in height nearing the end of my 8 month weight loss journey. I initially started around 78 ish kg and am now 65 kg (my goal weight). I achieved this by going on a caloric deficit of 1500 and cardio exercise which includes long distance biking (50km) per session so around 150km a week.
Now that I have reached my goal weight, I did a self analysis on my body and I felt like I wanted to go lower in body weight because I still have a muffin top and fat around my lower belly area. After further research into the reddit comments this seems to be the last area to go. I am afraid of going under 65kg as I may be considered underweight at this point. What are your opinion?
My plan is to get down to sub 10% body fat or somewhere close to that so I can have a good baseline to start a lean bulk.
https://imgur.com/a/L5FmIxu - please take a look at this and maybe give an estimation on my body fat percentage if possible? I heard that I could have what woman would call "violin hips" which are hips that protrude slightly outwards, but its clearly fat as I can grab a chunk of fat from that area and not bone. Any suggestions will be appreciated. thank you
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2JlviSD
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