Saturday, December 19, 2020

F31, 170,5'7 - 119kg/262lbs - 69kg/152lbs - 5 Years Maintaining !

Hello /loseit,

In the midst of all of these sad times, I have one thing to celebrate!
Today marks my 5 year weight loss anniversary, and that feels great!

First, here's what you wanna see, the PROGESS PHOTOS SLIGHTLY NSFW

I started losing weight August 2013. Reached a healthy weight 19th December 2015.
I had been overweight all my life, and I always knew that food was an issue but I never wanted to face the music, I am an emotional binge eater.

Something snapped in me one day when a colleague showed me a picture of myself in profile handing a drawing to another colleague. I had not seen a photo of myself or even looked properly in a mirror for a very long time, and something about this awful photo just made something snap in my head, I could really hear it. And I just thought, NO. That is not me. It can't be me.

My health was also at serious risk, my blood pressure was something like 142/95 at age 25. My joints were aching, my hip fell asleep if I slept on one side, my hormones were so out of whack I had a period once every 3-5 months and I couldn't take birth control. And my feet would hurt so bad from just walking a moderate distance.

The weigh loss journey forced me to face a lot about myself, I am a completely different person today body and mind. I hated myself deeply, I had no self respect, and allowed myself to be abused in relationships. When I say allowed, I mean I was convinced I couldn't do or be better for myself.

I lost the weight by re-learning how to eat, eating meal replacement powder for about 10 days, then replacing one meal at a time over 3 weeks counting calories. After that I just kept counting religiously and the weight just came off like clockwork. I had setbacks, I fell of the wagon sort of big one time and gained 10kg/22lbs back, but picked myself back up again and in 2015 is actually when I lost most, going from 100kg/220lbs to 72kg/159lbs in one year.

That's when things got really tough. My boyfriend was gaslighting me, I don't think he liked that I had lost the weight. He treated me very demeaning and was just not dealing with his own issues, and I dumped is ass hard. I battled severe depression due to loose skin, sudden unwanted attention from men that I didn't know how to deal with, and I missed losing weight.

2016 I met my future husband at my best friends wedding. We didn't become a couple until April 2017.
January 2018 I took a loan and went to Prauge - Czech republic, had a tummy tuck and breast implants. My Husband proposed to me the night before surgery, and we got married in Nov 2018.

Since then I have focused on building muscle and enjoying what my body can do, I even did a full tough mudder! And I am planning on becoming a Personal Trainer next year!

As a person I love myself, and for the first time ever, I love my body too! There is so much more to this story, but I am trying to keep it short-ish. Please feel free to AMA.
Thank you to this community for your support, all you motivating me for years!
Love yourself enough to change, Trust the process, It's all about consistency.

submitted by /u/Thisla
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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