Sunday, December 20, 2020

Hello - new to this sub. 1 year into weight loss, need tips for the 2nd year

Hi all! Start weight: 81.3kg/BMI 28.1 Overweight. Current weight 72.5kg/BMI 25 Overweight. Goal 1: 70kg. Goal 2: 65kg.

Long-time-lurker, first-time-poster, and looking for some advice. I've managed to lose 8.8kg since January 2020, through a few factors, not all of them in my control:

  • improving my mental health (moving out of a town and work-from-home-job that was making me miserable)
  • starting a new outdoors job with a lot of manual labour built in
  • tracking food on MFP (also, not binge-eating out of misery/depression, and not being able to snack all day) and trying to stick to 1500-2000 calories, and not eating back exercise calories
  • Note: this is the second big weight loss of my adult life. When I was a teen I weighed about 88kg and got it down to 63kg over about four years by the same accidental/environmental changes, then kept it off for 10+ years.

My weight has been fairly steady for the last 2 months (72kg - 74kg). I know I've plateaud because it's cold, I'm eating more due to being freezing at work, and I've been having more beer and festive snacks due to the time of year. I am easily tempted.

I want to reach my first goal (70kg) by the end of January 2021 and my second goal (65kg) by June 2021. With this in mind I'm trying to use my Christmas break to set up some helpful habits:

  • meal prep breakfast (I use overnight oats at 600cal on a working day, and 300cal on a non-working day)
  • running 3x week (I've almost finished a C25K programme and have a coach, but it can be hard to push myself outside after work, when it's dark outside. My 2021 goal is to run a 10K. I've joined a running club and the coach is very helpful).
  • WEIGHTS TRAINING. I have a pretty physical job (lots of lifting, bending etc) and try to use good form, but I want to target core strength and boost muscle mass. But I'm not sure how to go about it without overdoing actions that I do at work.
  • Yoga/pilates or foam-rolling to avoid injuries

To complicate matters, my household is vegetarian/almost vegan ("plant focussed" is probably best) so I find it really hard to meet the protein goals in MFP.

Any advice would be very helpful! I am happiest with slow and steady progress and don't do well at "dieting", as restriction tends to trigger overeating almost immediately.

submitted by /u/InternationalWoo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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