Friday, December 18, 2020

How to lose weight without falling back into disordered eating habits [Advice]

Long time lurker of this subreddit but after years of gaining weight I figured posting might push me to actually make lasting changes. I was hoping for some advice for my situation. I’m 5’5”, 170 ish pounds and I’m 19F. I’m currently a full time college student and working 20-40 hours a week (my job has me on my feet for 6-8 hours a day). I have a history of disordered eating behaviors and would like to avoid relapsing in that department.

I’m definitely lacking in the exercise department. After work I just want to lie in bed all day, and when school is in session my exhaustion is at an all time high. The most I can muster is walks but even then I rarely have motivation. During the semester I have access to the gym on campus but I don’t really feel safe going during the pandemic & I don’t really know where to start on most machines. I’m interested in the C25k but IT IS SO COLD omg. But I’m willing to try even in the dead of a New England winter.

Mostly the advice I’m looking for is how to stay committed to my weight loss journey and where to even start. Every time I’ve tried to track calories I get into a very restrictive and unhealthy mindset, but I’m not sure what else besides CICO works. Trying to work on intuitive eating has caused me to gain 15 pounds because I struggle listening to hunger cues and am prone to boredom eating. All I want is to be comfortable with my body but I probably need to lose about 30 pounds before I’m at that point. Please give whatever advice you can for me, I would appreciate it so much.

submitted by /u/ctrlct
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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