Friday, December 18, 2020

NSV: I lost an inch off my waist

I (22F, 5'6") reached 190 pounds, my highest weight ever, in May of this year. The pandemic had me go from biking to and from work and walking miles around my university every day to working and schooling from home and never leaving my couch. I started snacking more due to stress and boredom, and the pounds snuck up on me. Before I knew it, I was up 20 pounds and officially in the obese BMI category. I hadn't been weighing myself and the realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I had already been unhappy with my weight and I didn't look that much different than before, but seeing that new BMI categorization really hurt. I started calorie counting and going on daily walks the very next day.

By July I had lost 25 pounds, and was feeling great about my progress. Of course, life happens, and I've been stuck in a weight plateau since then. I've been gaining and losing the same 5 lbs for the past four months, and honestly it's really been taking a toll on my psyche. Despite walking my dogs every day, swimming 3x a week, and getting back into biking, it's been a challenge to eat at a calorie deficit since I'm a big emotional eater and I've been extremely depressed due to losing my job and having to move back in with my parents after I graduated and couldn't find new employment. On top of all that, myself and my family all tested positive for covid a few weeks ago, and that obviously has thrown a huge wrench in my workout schedule.

This has been my first week back at the pool and in the bike saddle, and it's been hard. I can feel how much I backslid, and on top of that, the post-covid fatigue has been rough. I continue to hover around 170 lbs and I've been super frustrated with my lack of progress.

This morning, I saw a tape measure laying on the counter that someone had left out, and I thought I'd measure my waist, just for fun. The last time I had done so was back in August. I was shocked to find that my waist size had gone down a whole inch since then, despite my weight being a few lbs heavier than at that time.

I honestly almost starting crying. I haven't really noticed any changes in my body because I tend to wear really baggy clothes, and going off the scale alone has been so disheartening. It was a really good reminder that even though my weight hasn't really been changing, the healthy choices I've been making for my body aren't for nothing.

If you're still hanging with me, sorry this post is so long!! I just wanted to share this moment with y'all and hopefully remind at least one person that non-scale victories are just as important as weight loss. Thanks for reading and thanks for being such a cool and supportive community :)

submitted by /u/dicombaby
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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