Saturday, December 19, 2020

The 4 Pillars Of Sticking To a Weight Loss Strategy

Mindset is definitely an important part of losing weight. Even if you have an obscenely effective blueprint to your dream weight you still have to follow that blueprint to see results...

Some people think that motivation is a random blessing from the skies but this is not that case...

You have the power to create motivation and willpower for yourself with these 4 pillars:

  1. Keeping the "lizard brain" on a leash

The human brain is made up of different layers with different functions. One part of the brain the "basal ganglia", let's call it the lizard brain, has the power to overpower other parts of the brain.

You may notice that when you're hungry you start having more and more thoughts about food and this is no coincidence.

Plans to lose weight that deprive you of important nutrients are unfortunately common.

The thing is that you literally can't stick to these types of plans. At some point the lizard brain just takes over and makes you eat because it thinks you may not survive otherwise.

These foods are also usually not the most helpful types for staying in shape.

That doesn't mean that you can't lose weight fast. You can have an obscenely effective, sustainable plan that doesn't require a lot of willpower that still makes sure that your lizard brain doesn't take over.

  1. Habits

Habits are the second pillar of sticking to a weight loss strategy.

This is because habits are pretty much automatic action sequences. The only time you have to think is when you build up a habit.

Habits are so amazingly powerful, especially if mindset is a struggle point for you. You just do the things that will help you without thinking twice about it.

Did you think about putting on your clothes? About every movement for driving your car?

Imagine that all the choices that are good for your health were so easy...

Creating habits can feel like a big challenge but once you know the right techniques they become relatively easy to start taking advantage of.

  1. Knowing how to motivate yourself

The first two pillars were more about "automatic" processes. This third pillar is more of a conscious process but that doesn't make it any less important...

In fact you need this third pillar to be motivated enough to implement habits...

Let's say you consciously know what you have to do, but you are at that "internal battle" point.

This is the moment where you want to write down all the bad things that will happen if you don't do the thing and write down all the good things that will happen if you do it.

There are some other conscious techniques too but pain and pleasure are the most powerful motivators.

  1. Community

Like it or not, humans, you and me, are group animals.

"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with" is maybe overdoing it a little bit but to some point this does explain this force well.

Support when times get tough, not feeling like you are the only person, some alien, who works on your health, seeing other people achieve the dreams you have for yourself, and more is all extremely important.

That's why I invite my clients to a private community with like-minded people. These are not "someday I'll work on my health" people you can find anywhere, these are people who are going to make this work right now, the real people you want around you.

Hope this helps you out!

submitted by /u/matt_wlmp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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