Monday, January 25, 2021

My weight loss goal seems so far yet so close + feeling discouraged and upset with myself.

17F 5’2 SW: 160 CW: 136.5 GW: 120

This past month hasn’t been a good start to 2021 for me. I started off with getting COVID, plus my birthday is at the beginning of January so I was sick during it. My weight at the start of the month was 137, I got down to 136.6, and then overate for a few days bringing me up to almost 140. It took over a week to get back down to where I was and now I’m currently at 136.5. I’ve only lost half a pound since the beginning of the month.

Now I’m also on my period and since I started PMSing (about a week before now) I’ve wanted to just eat even with the slightest hunger and it’s always at night. I’ll go through a few days of eating my normal deficit and then eat maintenance because I just have cravings. Today I ate slightly above maintenance and I’m just disappointed with myself.

I know I should be nicer to myself and just take a break or do better tomorrow but I just felt like there isn’t any progress and I have it in my head that I’m going to hit my goal weight by the end of May. Now I feel like this month has been wasted because the scale hasn’t moved much. I want to wear a cute bathing suit and not feel insecure and I want stop eating in a deficit and eat a normal amount. As I’m sitting here typing this even though I’ve already overeaten, I still feel hungry (mentally and also a bit physically). I’m not sure what to do at this point, I’m definitely not gonna give up and go down the deep end but I’m worried that I’ll put in a bunch of effort over the next few months and barely lose weight. Just looking for some advice/encouragement so if you’d like to share your experiences or anything like that I’d appreciate it.

submitted by /u/cherri_bloss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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