Tuesday, January 26, 2021

My weight loss story

21M SW: 250 lbsGW: 180 lbs CW 195 lbs Hello everyone!

I just found this subreddit and thought I would share my story.

In high school I worked out constantly through sports and ate constantly but was never overweight because of my exercise volume. I could eat as much fast food and sugar as I wanted and would still be somewhere between 180 and 200 lbs at 6’3. Then i became the classic cliche of still eating terribly and not exercising in college and over two years got up to 250 lbs. I was depressed and had low energy and really didn’t realize it until things got better.

The first thing that changed was my long time girlfriend and high school sweetheart went vegetarian, and after about 6 months of her being vegetarian I decided to try it. This is significant more so because it stopped me from eating fast food which in retrospect was the first step to a healthy weight.

The biggest and most monumental event of my weight loss journey was a month later when I learned my second cousin had liver cancer at the age of 49. He never drank alcohol, but drank soda constantly throughout his life. After seeing firsthand what sugar can do to someone when you’re addicted to it changed my outlook and I immediately went cold turkey. I understood that I really couldn’t eat sugar in moderation so it was kind of all or nothing. From that point on I would only eat anything with a high concentration of sugar (other than fruit) on very special occasions.

Around the same time I started consistently going to the gym, this was the third and final piece to losing weight. I fell in love with weight lifting and by the end of the year I was down to a much healthier 185.

Once March 2020 came I took up running while I couldn’t go to the gym. I have been running since and am still vegetarian. In 2020 I wasn’t as strict on not eating sugar and ate a lot of pizza, which was fine until I started taking more days off of running because of my class load. I gained about 15 lbs back putting me at 195, so I’ve been off of sugar for almost a month now to get back down to 180-185. It’s been slow, but I know I just need to stay the course and I’ll get back to where I was.

The most beneficial gain was the fact that I had so much more energy all the time once I was eating better and exercising consistently. I hadn’t realized it but I was depressed and had such little energy when I ate terribly and didn’t exercise.

submitted by /u/c_rex6215
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2MlJ2xX

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