Monday, January 25, 2021

Top 7 Tips to Getting a Great Workout at Home

7. Finding Motivation

It's easy to not want to do much when you know that lockdown is going to go on forever and your sofa or bed are right next to you just waiting to be sat on so you can lounge out. That's great but ask yourself if you don't workout what else are you going to do? Get bored, watch some Netflix, spend more money on food than you need to, feel sad about it, wallow in self pity and get fatter or do something about it? To start with just find a video on Youtube that shows you how to workout at home it could be for 30 minutes or 20 or even just 10 but as long as you do something your not only learning how to workout but your learning how to keep it up everyday.

6. Resistance Training

You don't need a big fancy gym with loads of equipment to build muscle. You need muscle to burn fat, do the exercises and get stronger. With some simple pushups (or knee pushups if you struggle) you can build up your upper body and with some squats you can build your lower body. To add weight you can do free things like using a towel to lift up your leg, adding water to some jugs or lifting up some sugar bags. If your really committed and can afford some equipment get it. It can be some dumbells, a barbell or some resistance bands but if your committed enough you can get creative and build your workout plan around what you have. It doesn't have to be big and fancy to get you in shape.

5. Cardio Training

Without a treadmill or exercise bike you might think it's impossible to get your cardio in. Again nope and you don't have to start running or cycling outside if its not your thing. Simple running on the spot, jumping jacks, star jumps, squat jumps, plank jacks, burpees etc can get your heart racing enough to burn a few calories.

4. Diet

With boredom and the longevity of lockdown you might want to eat what you want. But stop. If you're really committed to losing weight this is your chance to count calories and eat healthily. There is no more going out with your friends, there is no passing Mcdonalds on the way home from work, you're not as stressed and your day can be more organised than it used to be. This is your chance to either get good at cooking and experiment if your into it or to be as boring and regimented as you like. Whichever is best for you. Also this is your chance to save a little money on your food spending as you do it.

3. Making it fun

Getting up everyday and eating the same amount of calories in the same environment and doing the same workout can be a little bit boring. So this is your chance to make your workouts more fun. Unlike gyms you can make your environment whatever you want it to be. You need a strongman style gym? Then go ahead get your weights out, put on some Heavy Metal music and shout all you like. You need a cross fit style gym? Put on your spandex, start your dance music and start moving away. You could even create a party atmosphere put on some disco music and get the mirror ball moving as you workout. Whatever works for you.

2. Challenge Yourself

This is your chance to do the stuff you were too embarrassed to do in the gym. Try out a deadlift, have a go at some yoga, try doing a pushup. The best thing is you have to time to get good at the workouts your not so good at. Focusing on more tangible goals like being able to squat helps keep you going when weight loss progress seems slow.

1. Other People

On the one hand working out at home is better because you don't have Joe Bloggs from number 42 perving on you anymore. But on the other you have family or flatmates who are more likely to make you feel less confident if they judge you. If you're really committed you won't care about those judgments anyway. But if like me you find yourself living upstairs being told off by your flatmates for banging on the floor then there are workarounds. Do more static exercise in the time when they're likely to be disturbed. In fact the time you spend on your own when constantly surrounded by others can be a good mental health escape too.

If you have anymore tips and tricks for working out at home please add them in the comments below.

submitted by /u/Chickenwire25
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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